
Changed batteries in our fire alarm

Yes yes- No I'm with you on that point, I'm well aware; I've sat with the details-panel and switched weapons, armor and spells and watched the numbers change in illogical ways and calculated both this and that - But what I didn't know what that it was (or rather could be) such a big ... gap(?) or what to call it, but

That's crazy. I've read the comments, about the pets and broken WD etc etc. But still, this just messes with my head. I play a barbarian, I've got double his dmg and thoughness stats, and still not going past torment 2.

Do you use more of the substance or engage in the behavior more often than in the past?

Oh. Nvm mate - I had a migraine when I read your comment and didn't think before I answered, since well, I could't think. My bad, one shall never speak when in migraine, it's almost worse then trying to make a point when you're drunk.

Well, everyone doesn't love bass - it's a quite sensitive topic - but bass can often mess up the overall sound-picture.

There is no "Option" button. This drives me crazy.

Feel a little bit like when Assassins Creed 1 was released. It introduces a new concept kind of game-play, of course it's gonna be repetitive, of course it's gonna be fun as well.

I do this too. Be careful though, it can escalate quickly, I can't tell you how much of by back-ups are tons and tons of just screenshots...

I'm right there with you.

It's a mad world indeed.

Are we still talking Dark Souls or actual life?

and also why only the truth matters.

Thanks for the answer! Appreciated.

Well, those devs -Shakuro - have recovered from the blow, and are working on a replacement site. It's not live yet (it needs some money from Kickstarter), but you can guess what it's going to be: basically CGHub, albeit with a slightly different design (since they didn't own CGHub's code) and a new name.

Battlefield 1942 for PC and Mac (including The Road to Rome and Secret Weapons of WW2 expansions)

"According to this research, alcoholics developed higher concentrations of cortisol over time, as a reaction to the body improperly handling stress. "

"Stressing only consumes more time, don't rush."

Nope, it's not my raspberry that's the problem. Installed XBMC through the terminal like I said and it works without any problems now. Including rebooting. Reboots just as it should, without any freeze or something alike.

Update: Mac users should check out this program for OS X, that will install Raspbmc to your SD card without any fuss. We haven't tested it ourselves, but a few of you have noted it works well!