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Personally I tend to play on harder difficulties just to make games last longer. Sure, frustrating at times, and guess it's just some mind-trick but. It works for me.

If you're a fan of streaming recommendation site Pandora, or like the minimalist, "glitch," or seriously ambient side of techno, commenter maczter recommends a playlist created by a Pandora employee, Ovals, that he describes as "minimalist elemental glitch." I tried it out for an afternoon writing session, and found

No bigger version of this? :( The "Expand" button barley expands this one!

Jeff — For the second-most nightmare-inducing image.

Why the hell does real-life have less Depth of Field?

A post-ap-hip-hop-rpg? We all know Vinnie Paz would win here.

If you haven't seen the mini-series "Black Mirror", do it. One of the best I've seen - and trust me, I'm not the one to give easy credits to TV shows, nor movies for that part. But this is quality.

Second that.

I'd go with you.

I've got Spotify... Mainly 'cause I don't have a clue what Rdio is. And also... I live in Stockholm and got a Beta Key to Spotify and have been using it for... Damn! 6-7 years. Christ that time flew by.

Nice to see someone knows what he's talkin' 'bout! (Or well, at least recommending a great product - Or well, a good product at least.)

I'm seriously considering getting me the AT2020 - But, can anyone answer me for how this would do for gaming, using Skype/TS/othersimilarprogramies?

Remember the times when people still read disclaimers?

Suprise! ...

I agree, about it being interesting. I like this though.

Seems like it could go quite wrong if one was to focus on the threatening stimulus, doesn't it?

Intresting, you are the opposite of me.

Who can blame him. I would've. He should. Someone has to not-support the privacy-killing that started couple years ago.

Huh, someone actually could draw a logic conclusion, and a good one. Thanks. I thought those humans was out.