
Lol...this is beyond stupid to sue snapchat... indeed the victim was innocent and should receive compensation ... from the motherfucking dumb cunt in her MB.
Imagine gunshot victim suing the gun manufacturer for making a gun...or the bullets manufacturer..or the metal extraction and processing companies.
The people that

For once I agree with you.
At the current tech level, this type of engine is too iffy. Has a lot of maintenance demand without any amazing benefits. It’s different, weird, interesting, but totally useless in real world application.
A vehicle is to be reliable in a huge assortment of conditions, not demand pampering from

you do realize the stupid thing you just said, don’t you

What’s this obsession with 6x6 vehicles nowadays?!
At least they should make a good 6x6 setup, like the army style arrangement for their APCs. This double rear is just meh...They are never going to use the cargo area as intended when designing with 2 rear axles grouped together

Oprah be like:
You’re cheating on the tests, you’re cheating on the tests, everybody’s cheating on the god damned pollution tests...yet, they sell overpriced cheap manufactured cars to sustain outrageous bonuses, wages and spending of corporate suits and marketing budgets that are not justifiable with direct sales

Beside the mentioned not out of the ordanary stuff about this model of a car, is there actually somethin special about this?!
No brand name, no history of any kind, just an old car.
Being rare doesn’t make it valuable in any way.
Ah some guy bought an unknown vehicle and “wo hoo”, that is car is “special status”. Nope.

darwin awards..too bad this isn’t happening on a larger scale with all the thieves and murderers...and in the thieves category we include the dirty cops, the corrupted politicians, the dastardy corporate shits that steal money, the crooked “antrepreneur” that cons people as a living...etcc

lol..their are doing that!? :)) ... we really need to enforce laws to banish corporations from existence..they are more harmful to human society than any actual benefit..they only serve one purpose...to make wealth for the limited top managers in corporate positions at the expense of: the other employees, the

Really?! A cover cracked?!
I have never heard of such things happening.
But then again, there are laws, with warranties in place.
Unless you buy used, there is a cover for your purchase from a seller. Then it is their job to pound on the manufacturers for crap quality.

So, they were only covers for various parts...I mean, what the hell is faulty in those elements?!
Ah, the corporation doesn’t want it’s logo on them. Right.
Instead of being happy their brand is promoted freely they act like fucktards. Don’t use their logo anymore. Just write the model ad be done with it

Buy another diesel VW...of course, take their price, reduce it by half, and there you have it....a fairly priced econoshitboxcheatingsob VW

First of all leaf lookd ugly.
And secondly for such an old car if it costs over 15k (top spec) with all incentives it is overpriced

I don’t think anyone would buy this, unless they are coherced somehow. Either have some debts to pay wht someone involved and this is the way out.
Free given cars are not bought.
Also there is a little trickery. Dealers might appear to buy them on invoice, but they receive bonuses off-invoice that will level the playing

Jew armies because israel is an invented countrye from stolen land. but this is beside the point.
Civilized is a very generic term ;) Civilization in iraq, in afganistan and other countries was superior before us invaders came, and now it’s a ruin.
Please, if you have access to all this free information do read before

Not to protect the tank.
Attack the tank with lasers from a laser platform, mostly in the sky above.
These shotguns are good agains conventional rebel type of enemies

Really?! When?! I see american armies invading all over the planet without nuclear weapons
I see russian armies do the same
I see jew armies do the same against arab nation.
Nuclear weapons are a doomsday device. MAD. All planet goes to hell if one will use it, so they are pretty much useless.

Laser as in tank killer, from up high..You do know they are operational. For a few years admitted officially, but from before (2000s) it was production ready.

You;re joking right?! When your tank start melting, it;s a little too late to put up any defenses, don’t you think?! :)) Smoke grnade :))

Smaller version of CIWS.
Also this is obsolete tech, when laser weapons are in use.
Yes, this is good against regular oponents, like freedom fighters that do not have access to satelites and lasers, but your garden variety rpg, ak and stuff like that.

You clearly are living under a rock,a boulder, a huge mountain for this title to be true. There are great wheel designs in the 90s, in the 00s and now, better, more amazing