Go back to the stone age, go back praying to the “volcano god” and “scary light in the sky god”, it suits you by what you’ve just written.
Go back to the stone age, go back praying to the “volcano god” and “scary light in the sky god”, it suits you by what you’ve just written.
Thank you for explaining why the system, the current western style system, the one strongly connected to usa is the worst. This is why us citizens enjoy dial up and low internet connectivity, are left behind the game, while others have gigabit for a long time now.
The system where instead of investing everything for…
yeah..if you act the part...like a driver coming to let you out of the rear seat to a high class full packed restaurant where you have your always free lounge, and everyone pushed the rest of the people there to make way fr you and your guests to reach it
Why is USA still using retard units of measuring things?! from temperature to distance to weight, you name it...oh they love imperial units so much, they love the british to their core, i get it..long live the queen, right americans?
If it’s not an inside job there is a HUGE problem with the professionalism of the people employed there. From the manager of that respective location down to the people handling.
No procedures, no nothing.
Shipping a block of wood, now this is as pure as it’s gets to a scam as you can have.
multiple puns found in our reply :))
They were working 34 hours a week?! lol...Talk about little work and too much money...
lol..narrow minded much?! you need to shed some light inside your head from time to time, because it seems like ti’s pretty dark in there
well yeah, as said, if it does not have instant success with a profit hungry attitude like ghosn has, it will be killed on the spot.
Infiniti barely escaped the gutter, and they had to reform a lot inside, and i really don’t think that has good aspect quality wise. The Q50 eau rouge is not in any plans, all kinds of…
With the hunger for profits in this world of instant gratification it’s only natural that anything that takes too long will be dismissed for the profitable solution (or less costly one) on short term...even if on long term might be something worthy (not talking about this car in particular potential, but for a lot of…
Regular Power Wagon. Has offroad tires and a steel plate for a bumper up front. Do you have rugged? It looks balanced, entry level style.
I for one, don’t find this rugged enough for those wide tires. Keep it old style all the way, or upgrade the look to match them.
Take away the beefy tires and it will look like any regular wimpy truck of that generation. So the truck body needs some design beefup to match the tires.
This 6x6 has potential but something looks off. Don’t know, regarding tires and the rest of the truck; they are too meaty, while the truck looks wimpy as hell. Either beef up the exterior of the truck t match the tires or use narrower rubber
it is not your spot. You waited so what. As long as that is not your paid spot, get on with your life and find some other place. or don’t get a fucking car.
“HIS” spot?! What the fuck is this. It is not his sopt. If they could park there, it’s their job they did it. The camera guy should get on with his life.
Whre’s the daughter of Paul Walker, his father or the wife of his killer. Whenver there is things about Porsche, they don’t take too long to show up to sue the brand
Needs larger diameter alloys and led infused tails/headlights.
And the car will look 2015, no problem
or in a siberian salt mine to use his energies in a productive way
when you said build a modern battleship, by god my brain read build a mothership...and i was like...wow, yes, please, build a mothership (like that flying (whatever is called) from “the avengers”