
Isn’t that use the land where you can sue your neighbour for breathing too load?! and win all his belongings in the process?!
This is clearly theft, fraud, whatever and he should sue them for millions for stealing, covering it all up and then selling the package for a profit.

Clarkson is a fucktard there is no doubt and should pay out of his every hole. But whatthe hell suing BBC. They are not responsible for the declarations of the man, because they themselves punished that aggressor. They did not take his side in any way. They too were his victims.

Preorder now...and you will receive, hmmm...
Preorder should be banned from existing.

So, expect your brand new luxury car to have cheap chinese plastic, like Aston Martin did.
Also from your favorite premium brand expect to pay more and receive crap quality, of mainstream level cars. Lower grade materials will be used, lower performance, lower reliability, and overall cheap premium. Like Renault was

Yes right, totally legit. Missile...yes, right...Maybe it’s the Cochrane warp drive being tested...
They too did it first using some regular nuke missiles.
Ion drive? magnetic drive? because that is not any garden variety regular engine there with that light and trail left behind. Also where was this missile headed? The

Police?! Security camera?! Insurance?!

No Aliens, just missiles fired....at aliens

So the victom is to blame?
When she knows that the search work is done half assed , why not.
Why become a file somewhere on a huge pile on some lazy ass’s desk. Get your resources and find my f* property.

This is amazing.
Nice find.

Things ar really getting out of hand with this singer prices, It is nice and all, but you can do the same level of high quality without the singer name with 50k.

500?! LOL 5000 maybe is a way to ask forgifness for cheating

and it wasn’t offroading but an insurance scam...this being the whistle blow to shame that asshole

Damn man, you need led upgrade.
Give me a reply if you are interested in tasking your ride to the next level, and I can hook you up with some amazing builder there in USA.
He does amazing ledupgrades for cars.

There is one constant number here. Year of manufacture, before the extreme capitalist ways of corporations took flight.
When they were still trying to build cars for clients and not something that you change like socks, every 2-3 years and get the new crappy one.

Hyundai understands...other older brands don’t..their loss.

taking into account it’s almost a decade old, where is the impressive part of costing 100k less than new. If its’ belowe the market, say it is 10k below it’s real price..but don’t bring up price as new for old vehicles put for sale. You are like those imbeciles that say “Hey man this 2000 Hyundai Elantra cost 20k new.

you can say that again...only that the dangling fat from her body burned my retinas away....
Also, it is said that fat women have bigger breasts (extra fat there, nothing consistent). This redneck, if she loses weight to normal, will be flat as a plank...

Who the hell cares.

Now this is some weird ass forklift. Never seen it’s kind before.
With 3 wheels, AWD.
We have widespread the 4x2 format that can’t do such stunts.

The man with the good taste of a brown pile should not make such ... ahem...articles.
Also, that cover photo is not of for this title.