
Stacy: Did you think I wasn't going to get married?
House: Not to someone so poorly endowed. This guy's pancreas is pathetic.

*shrug* That's great? I'm not denying your experience. I'm giving an opinion. Maybe you shouldn't take it so personally.

I love that Rachel's father's complaint about Don is that "he's too dashing". Pretty people are trouble.

On a separate note, Don's dissatisfaction with Megan is a little more complicated than just her career woman status. He was perfectly happy when she was a career woman working in advertising at his firm. And he was relatively happy when she was going it on her own trying to make it in acting without his help. It's

To bolster part of your point, Roger has a great one-off line in this episode about Chicago: "Sorry, maybe you're from there." They know so little about him, that it's instinctual for Roger to apologize in case he accidentally insulted him.

There is a gradual shift when he gets engaged and married, and then later when he goes to that other job and comes back. He talks about how much he hates it at the other advertising firm where creative is secondary to accounts, and I think he starts taking things less for granted.

My favorite of the episode is his walk and talk with Joan where she doesn't respond back:

But Don does change, not in his actions but in his thoughts and personality. Don expressed himself with Megan in ways that he never would have with Betty. To say that Don is still the same because he's still cheating on his wife is an oversimplification.

I really liked that too. It's written for a very young audience judging by the vocabulary and sentence structure, but some of the themes are pretty adult.

The cheery music is the best part for me. The show either has a weird sense of humor or it knows/thinks it's creepier to have fun music. Either way, it's great. I enjoyed the Alan/Sarah doing science scene because it had that chirpy music to go along with it.

Wrong account, dammit.

mbs, I think you are the most positive person on this website. I have rarely seen you outright pan a film; you always seem to find something positive to say about something you've seen. I don't know how you do it.

Lovely. The show was just totally and completely lovely.

P.S. I apologize to everyone if it feels like I'm just writing second reviews in the comments, but well rewatching this first season I realize I have a lot of thoughts that I'd like to share, and this is the best place to share.

If I were to sum up this episode, it would be in showing the different types of modern women. It's a female centric episode.

I agree with most of the points in the review, although especially the point about how Waldo realistically wouldn't get that much traction. I mean, isn't this kind of what South Park does? If it were just young kids getting into it, I could see that. But all of the crowd shots were middle aged type people, and I can't

That was the best line. So ridiculous and so awesome. They need more casual lines like that.

So you'd say that Philomena is worth it to see in the theaters? The trailers make it seem so Oscar Bait-y that I haven't had much desire to see it, but I've seen a number of positive comments so I'm not sure what to make of it.

If you haven't, I would recommend checking out the manga. It's the same basic story for the most part, but the last third is different enough, and it has a pretty crazy ending that's almost completely different. It's still a Knives/Vash showdown, but it manifests in this weird, beautiful sci-fi way whereas the anime