
Because of what Nete said about Jon at the beginning of the season, I was sort of expecting his betrayal all season long. I like that the betrayal came from Nete and not Jon, but I never quite got over that.

So those psychics that find Jedekiah, why not use them in previous episodes to find John? Or Russell since they know about him, or Cara who they might think lost her powers but probably still hangs out with the Tomorrow People. That seems like bad plotting if they only used it for Jedekiah.

Fascinating. I don't watch TV by the hour but by the show. I watch most everything online, but if I had a TV I would DVR things and watch it that way. It's so odd to me that you plan it based on an hour and what sitcoms go together, although it does make a certain kind of sense.

You get a like for "How am I not myself?" because I Heart Huckabees is amazing.

At this point, Erasure's "Always" just brings images of Unicorn Attack to my mind. The two are forever linked in my mind.

I thought the first arc was the best and thought it got progressively worse. But then again, a lot of the premise of these super geniuses that guess what the other is thinking to the nth move really bother me.

I must have missed a lot, what would you say are the answers on why they returned?

Wait, go back, Camille transferring her spinal contusion to Lena? When did Camille have a spinal contusion?

To be fair, it did take them a season or two to really get a grasp on the right pacing for the show. Seasons 1 and 2 had their inconsistencies. By season 3, even with some weak side plots, they have it down amazingly, but it is a commitment getting to that point.

I would love it if the focus shifted to New York and Luciano consolidating the New York scene. There would be some super fascinating stories to tell there. I could watch another 4 seasons of Chicago/New York stuff.

Margaret and Rothstein scenes were some of my favorite of the season, even though they made up such a small portion of the total screen time. They were incredible together. Two great actors just killing it. That last part of the montage with Rothstein tickling Emily was amazing.

Yeah, when Nete didn't mention a contact for a news agency, and when the camera kept focusing on her, I realized pretty quickly that she would be the mole. Plus, right when Birgitte starts talking about wind, the camera shows Nete texting on her phone so it seemed pretty clear that she was the one.

No, that joke was glorious. The Norman Invasion is super important, so anything that references it is awesome by association.

"Now Politely go fuck off with your different opinion mr. moths."
"No trolling involved, I'm sluggo free."

I had 31 last year and 11 so far this year….I wish I had seen 45 this year. Movies are expensive, and this year I've been to something like 4 concerts.

Holy shit was 3 Ninjas awesome. Those masks they wore? I think that did it for me. It was absolutely the masks. I was in awe that when they put those on and started beating the crap out of the adults.

Holy shit was 3 Ninjas awesome. Those masks they wore? I think that did it for me. It was absolutely the masks. I was in awe that when they put those on and started beating the crap out of the adults.

….I kinda like the Mummy 2 as well….

….I kinda like the Mummy 2 as well….

The first time I saw that intro, I honestly thought I was seeing the future.