
Try it before you write it off. A lot of people are angry with this article across the internet because it is just factually incorrect.

I’m just not seeing where the game is pandering to the “red-state”. A lot of what the article states is just not true.

But... you fail the mission for gunning down civilians. 


And for the 99.9% of society who isn’t clued into the /pol/ set?

Having put a few dozen hours into the game already, I’ve only seen it occur if you manage to cuff a suspect who fired a shot (regardless of if they killed anyone). It seems moderately rare, but rare enough I’ve seen it a few times now. It’s also not a punch, the officer slaps their head with the flexi-cuffs.

If you think your “racist memes” are the same “racist memes” in New Zealand (where the game was made) I highly recommend traveling more and expanding your America-centric views a bit.

It’s one of the most played games on Steam right now... he’s not the only one having fun with it. Come join us :).

You know, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam are all accepting visas and have awesome food.

Plenty of folks on here seem to spend all their free time studying Right Wing groups and seem to see their weird symbolism in everything these days. Anything Red Pill related, even in the year we get a new Matrix film is obviously racist (to include The Matrix). Any references to jogging, milk, candles, any tattoo

Have you played it? the rules of engagement in RON are identical to SWAT 4. They were lifted almost directly from it. The only real change — if a suspect shoots at you, then runs away after you told him to drop his weapon, IF he retains his weapons and runs from you, you are now allowed to shoot him. That’s it.

On almost every level, a single dead civilian means the mission is failed and you get an automatic F rating - meaning you have to play the mission again.

The issue is that so much of the criticism in the article is unwarranted and this is obvious by anyone who plays the game for a few dozen hours. The whole purpose of the game is to get high-ranking scores on various levels, and you are heavily docked for hurting civilians, unauthorized use of force, not giving armed

Then you haven’t played the game. Literally just finished a level where armed men had set bombs through a hotel and taken hostages. I’d say almost 60% of the missions in the game can be easily classified as “domestic terrorist response”. 

If you're so busy you can't squeeze in 10 minutes in a 24 hour cycle, you've either made some very specific life choices and I have no sympathy for you or you are traveling far frome home, in which case painting your funny robot man candy cane colors on your computer screen probably shouldn't be at the top of your

Its hardly arbitrary. It’s getting folks to log in and keep engagement high during a time when, traditionally, log ins are at a low point. It’s an excellent business decision. I’m very sorry you opted for family and traveling over space robots alone on your computer, but that’s kinda life.

Im a PC gamer who travels a lot and was looking for a gaming laptop. That question has been answered, as I see zero reason to own a gaming laptop anymore when this is 1/3 the size and weight and half the price.

I think the verdict on that is still out. All of his accusers are good friends, their stories have holes and inconsistencies, and unlike in other cases where folks step forward corroborating the victim’s stories... the opposite has happened here. No other accusers have come forward but several who were there have

Equally as hard to understand is the amount of time our galaxy and the universe have been around, and how new our planet is to the mix. Google Fermi’s Paradox. Even SETI has a nice article on it. .