Tyrannosaurs Wreck

Man, if I wanted to watch bodies just stumble around in bad lighting and a heavy frost I’d watch a Bills game.

Biggest reason Lyanna should have survived because there is no one better at shaming people than her.

I was honestly like “OH AS IF” after they spent so much of the last ten to fifteen minutes of the episode showing Brienne, Sam, Jaime etc on the precipice of being drowned in wights but they still lived. But it’s not like I wanted them to die, so I’ll live with it.

Liberals: criticizing Dem candidates only helps trump

PREACH. It’s the same as 2016: “YOU’RE SPLITTING THE PARTY!”

the people who support joe biden exclusively because he’s a name they heard in connection to Barack Obama, OP

Dude...it's literally the day of his announcement. When exactly *is* the time to criticize primary candidates?

We know what happens when that happens and people like you refuse to listen. We don’t know what happens when people actually do listen and react accordingly. Try that this time around.

And yet he’s leading all polls, and has been for some time. This is fucking absurd. The guy is kicking off his campaign at the home of the CEO of the most hated corporation in America, has maaaaaany issues regarding women, and lost his first primary to Franklin Pierce.

Yea.  What happens is when you run the worst possible candidate, they lose.

COUNTERPOINT: Biden sucks. He’s my least-preferred candidate by a long shot. Fuck him.

What is wrong with criticizing Joe Biden nine months before anyone votes in a primary and 19 months before the general election? Do you genuinely think supporters of other candidates don’t want to also beat Trump?

Eh, primary. Hammer the fuck out of him.

Can we stop with this “good old days” crap? The past was not better. Nostalgia is for suckers, chiefly because the past they’reremembering” never actually happened. If their past was “better,” it was only because they were occupying a temporary socio-economic bubble, while studiously ignoring the suffering of those

So Biden’s whole reason for being in this primary seems to be his ability to win back white working class and rural voters Trump won in 2016.

Not to mention the close to 100 trillion in wealth being horded currently by the richest Americans and corporate interests, who apparently don’t have to pay taxes anymore.

“You really need to give the other side a chance to have they say.” - so many journalists.