Well, if you’d rather we could talk about how you think the murder of a bunch of children did wonders for her career.
Well, if you’d rather we could talk about how you think the murder of a bunch of children did wonders for her career.
The evil in me says, ‘this is what they’ve been voting for, for the last 30+ years.’ They just got unlucky enough to not be able to get all that socialism they say they hate before the ladder is pulled up by early to mid Baby Boomers.
“He says what we’re thinking!”
Honestly, even if Tom Arnold found this legendary tape of Trump using the N word, it would still just cement his idiotic base further still.
Chris, that was awesome. Fuck.
Well, Jack will just have to keep re-explaining it to Trumpy Bear every 6 months or so, because that seems to be around the length of his attention span.
As someone that uses Tinder, I can’t stand the basic girls unoriginal profile bio. “Must love dogs, The Office, brunch, I’ll lie about how we met, You can find me playing with the dog at a party, must love pizza, Rose all day, need a plus one for wedding season, looking for my swolemate, etc”
Can you imagine if a group of Muslims had taken over the National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon like the Bundy fam and their armed militants?
This is the attitude that I try to explain in a different article. Muslims are automatically othered if they show it in public. If there isnt an immediate outcry or apology from the community for a terrorist attack, then its somehow the whole community’s fault.
Being a racist dumbass is not a mental illness.
George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama because of these individuals’ support of Antifa
Nah, you know they weren’t liberal terrorists because liberal terrorists would go to jail for shit like this. Republicans terrorists taking a piece of Federal land hostage and refusing to cooperate with the FBI? No problem! A group of republican terrorists trespassing on private property, carrying firearms, and…
Yeah but Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to find another place to stuff her fat face at when that one restaurant refused to serve her.
Damn those liberal terrorists!
This guy reads as a far-right check list.
Mitch would never attack the Republican AOC. He would elevate her and do everything he could to show the base they are respected. Nancy could learn lots from Mitch McConnell. She lets her ego get in the way of being an effective political leader.
Old entrenched people hating on younger charismatic people is hardly new.
Here’s to that last breath!
Its sad because its not even really a handout. Its more of an investment. A Majority of these students are the future of the country and our economy with new engineers, lawyers, programmers, etc thats going to be a huge asset to us in the near future