Tyrannosaurs Wreck

Being forthright to powerful, dangerous people is what got Ned beheaded. I thought Sansa was savvier than that. A craftier Sansa would have reassured Dany that of course she’s support her after the war. Then, if after the war Sansa still had doubts, Sansa would have found a way to stab Dany in the back.

Even the line was what I was expecting, though I thought it would be “your brother and your friend whose family I burned to death.”

Oh my god, when Ser Brienne smiled after being knighted, my heart smiled too. That shit was EARNED.

The “night before the battle” is a pretty classic war-movie theme. Nobody would be happy if they just nodded and said ‘sup, and then fought the battle to decide all of humanity. 

Game of Thrones can do spectacle like nobody’s business— and we’ll see that I’m sure next week— but what’s made it special was always the character building, interactions, family, friends, honor, love, and the politics.

I agree that Jaime’s redemption is one of the main stories of the series. I’ve been saying this for a few years now- I think Jaime is going to die killing the Night King. It will be the ultimate redemption, and it will turn his “Kingslayer” title from a shameful epithet to a legendary title. I just think the name

You. Have. To. Set. The. Table. 

Tormund, Tyrion, Jamie, Pod, Brienne, and Davos all sitting in a room drinking wine shooting the shit. It’s like they wrote that scene just for me. And then they knighted Brienne!?!? Hit me right in the feels. I’m starting to tear up again just thinking about it.

The absolute gall to use two of the final 6 episodes to simply let our favorite characters chill at Winterfell — and to somehow turn out one of the show’s finest hours in the process. I was worried that the buildup to the Night Attack would crumble in the face of the attack itself. Now, the entire narrative is better

Fucking fantastic episode. They are going to wring every little bit of drama and comedy over various characters introductions and reunions and I am absolutely here for it.

A lot of people are going to die next week. They wanted us to spend time with everybody, so the deaths will mean something.

And they really let the scene breathe, took their time. It was lovely, all around.

Out of everyone, the person I most want to survive until the end is Tormund.

Well Brianne might not get together with with Jaime or Tormund, but damn if seeing her knighted wasn’t one of the most uplifting moments in the show’s history.

I didn’t think this series had an episode left like that in it. Last week was all boring table setting. This week was a table setting episode too, but my god, it was brilliant. It’s what a table setting episode should be. It basked in who these characters are, and made so many beautiful moments from it. It showed what

The Brienne scene, man. Just so wonderful to see the show and the characters acknowledge that there’s no one more just, more honorable, and more compassionate than the big woman.

“I want to fight for Winterfell, Lady Sansa, if you’ll have me.”

Frankly think many republicans see russians with their machismo, white skin, homophobia and authoritarian culture as being more american than most american liberals.

It’s not grandstanding, it’s taking an actual stand and fighting for what is right. Pelosi and the anti-impeachment crowd can create a list of triggers that would lead to an impeachment, but they don’t even want to do that. They are afraid of their own shadow.

The American Right would literally hand over the keys to the US to Putin lock, stock, and barrel if it ensured that Liberals are prevented from having any say in how this country is run.