Tyrannosaurs Wreck

I still don’t know how to feel about Pornhub turning out to be the most socially responsible company of the Internet age.

You’re dumb as hell.

The purpose is to overwhelm resources, even the biggest cities have only so many resources to help these poor people. 

Because this is 2019 and I can’t work up the shock, because the cruelty is the point, because we’re dealing with deeply stupid individuals, because this plan is a logical conclusion to “If Liberals love migrants so much, why don’t they bring them into their home?!” and “Obama has WALL around his house!” are all

He also was against the release of the Panama Papers and criticized their release as “Putin bashing”

Exactly. The fuck I can’t support freedom of the press without supporting Assange.

Oh, no, I totally understand the ad hominem distraction. But you’re focusing on my issues with Assange’s character, and not the way he redacted (or, really, failed to redact) documents to protect individuals during his data dumps—or the fact that he picked and chose what he revealed to suit his own political

I did not know this about the Bosas. Drag him, bruh. Drag him.

It’s the either/or fallacy in the headline that really makes my head hurt.

And unlikely to be proven without court proceedings, given that Wikileaks is not fond of self-examination or releasing documentation on its own activities—it’s just cool with publishing the files of those it takes political umbrage with, which makes it more of a FOX/MSNBC type setup than anything approaching serious

Hmmmm, it appears that your headline is wrong because I actually can support a free press while also supporting the arrest of Julian Assange. As your own website notes, he was working with Manning to actively crack passwords and subvert security to gain access to sensitive documents. This is blatantly illegal and

Nah, this russian shill was merely a narcissistic attention hog that brokered in leaked information and decided to squat in an embassy for years to avoid a rape charge. That doesn’t make Assholanage anymore a journalist than if I uploaded a video to my local news outlet’s twitter account. Fuck this Howard Hughes

Assange’s disclosures were messy, they made a lot of powerful people mad, and there’s a compelling case that some of then did cause harm.

I’d normally be inclined to agree. In 2016 he released the DNC emails. Then claimed to have the RNC emails but decided not to release them because he said there was nothing good in there.

Here’s the thing. I think the notion of Dragon Age 2 was sound, and I actually found a whole lot to like in it. The primary problems came from the execution and a lack of resources, but a more intimate and choice-driven approach to the series isn’t a bad idea.

Maybe the DA leads will round up all the negative reactions to the idea of DA4 as a live service game, put them into a PowerPoint presentation, and use it as leverage to get EA to back off. :)

“Did EA’s executives really care about narrative? Did they really care about RPGs?”

It’s not like the negative reaction to Dragon Age 2 is super difficult to pin down. The game was force rushed and had one dungeon map.

The more I read these articles, the more I really feel that the gaming industry needs heavy unionization. The human cost quotient for these products/games is never justified and is something I hope to see remedied in the coming years. 

Jason, honey, you’re blowing us away with these back to back insider reports. Never stop snooping in these times of turbulence for the better.