Tyrannosaurs Wreck

Fuck him indeed. If he had polio as a child and has worked tirelessly to deprive others of health care, he deserves to burn. If he had polio as a child and refuses to denounce anti-vaxxers like his president, he deserves to burn. If he had polio as a child ...

Which just means he shouldn’t be doing things like repealing attempts at national healthcare.

Nah, fuck him. You get disability sympathy when you aren’t trying to turn America into Gilead But Less Humane.

Eh, couldn't happen to someone who deserved it more.

Mitch’s people are STILL hung up on all those videos of Hillary Clinton tripping up stairs or stumbling out of a van doorway. I’d say turnabout is fair play.

The only problem is that he didn’t hit his head on the ground and was killed instantly. 

You’re fine with anything rich and powerful cishet white men do, as long as they do not literally grab at people’s genitals. Okay! Sounds totally rational! Definitely not trying to protect yourself from future consequences to your own actions!

That may be true, but it’s not a terrible movie. It’s fine. 

Listen, I was 9 when the Tim Burton Batman came out too, but I try not to let it back me into bonkers takes like “Jack Nicolson was a better Joker than Heath Ledger.

Unacceptable lack of Mark Hamill in there.

It is just a story, told by someone with a perspective. As with all comic characters with at least one adaptation, noting is definitive.


But it certainly wasn’t a flop. And in the world of popcorn action movies, it’s fine. This revisionist history that it’s the worst movie ever is hilarious. 

Counterpoint: This looks AMAZING! It looks like Taxi Driver but with the Joker as Travis Bickle. DeNiro and Scorsese are even involved! Joaquin Phoenix has a manic Daniel Day-Lewis vibe!

I mean, not to be too blunt about it, but every year that passes more old, conservative white people die, and more young, more progressive, more diverse people are taking their place in Texas. Someone is going to be the first Democrat to win state-wide in Texas in a long while, and it’s always going to seem unlikely

Would I vote for him? No. He is still in the “We need to understand Trump supporters” camp. There’s nothing to understand about those dumbshits, at this point. They are dug in and not coming out.

When they’re angry it’s because of something you did.
When you’re angry, it’s because you’re irrational and can’t control your emotions.

Probably from the same mindset that believes “White people should get more credit for ending slavery!”is a reasonable thought to give voice.

“lack of emotional regulation”