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    Well even if she weren't his biological daughter he would still have been her father.

    I'd love to start a flame war like you are obviously trying, but when I hear "female" and "men in black" I immediately picture Linda Fiorentino and that takes the fight right out of me. She was the best part of those movies.

    They are probably trying to play up the artifice of the character she is playing now.

    Could still be Julia, she's about ready to turn to the dark side.

    There's a bit more before the voyage, but nothing this show couldn't tear through in an episode or less.

    In the books she did. Also at one point in the books Penny points out that "they were on a break" when he slept with Alice, which made me lol. Pop culture references ftw.

    The hookups are there. Julia gets around more because she is much more emotionally damaged in the books and uses sex to get what she wants. Everything makes more sense in my opinion in the books because they take place over a much longer period (first book is 5years of Brakebills and 2 in New York I think), so it

    Maybe they want to set up Julia "ascending" somehow with the Godess' help as a replacement to the thing that happens to another character in the books, to defeat the Beast like that. Or maybe the other shoe still has to drop.

    I love they made him launch into tales of sexual escapades almost immediately, made me chuckle.

    Yeah I recently had to explain to the wife how to use it (to trace a drawing). Never felt so old.

    No, I'm not particularly emotional about it. I do have an opinion and I argue it instead of just passive aggressively labelling the opposing view incorrect. You can always learn something from an argument, even stupid internet arguments.

    Oh no, you can look at art from lots of different views. But when you come at it from a rigid ideology you don't add anything to the discussion, as with my example of catholic review sites. You are just using a piece of art to reiterate an already known rigid standpoint. That's boring. It becomes less about exploring

    No I don't think it's a problem of vernacular but of judging a piece of entertainment by your personal ideology, which I find rather uninteresting. It's about as uninteresting as going to the vatican's movie review website and seeing how they think a movie relates to their thoughts on sin and redemption or a marxist

    They let SJW's do reviews now ? I could almost *feel* the spittle on my face as he spat out "white dude" and "male wish fulfillment".

    "Whenever mankind invents the spear, zombies are doomed."

    That's a keeper.

    "I love you. Carry on" - appropriate since he's now carrion.

    That bothered me. If it was cracking on that side, wouldn't it collapse outward ?

    She reminds me of captain Janeway. Don't know why, something about her mannerisms I think.