
There are two accountants who spent the last week counting the ballots, recounting the ballots, memorizing the winners, and then stuffing TWO sets of envelopes with the winning results for each category. During the Oscars, they stand at stage left and stage right and personally hand envelopes to the presenters who

It disgusts me that they are allowed to blatantly lie about the facts and risks.

How is Ken Bone still a thing?

^ this. I’ll ride those coat tails then swear to jeebus there was no coat.

Kellyanne Conway is like most of the conservative women who mock feminism because they don’t understand it. She doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader, to advance the cause of women, or to do anything that is actually helpful. She criticizes feminism without any sense of irony because she believes that she is so

She’s just using “alternative”-conjunctions....

“It’s difficult for me to call myself a feminist in the classic sense because it seems to be very anti-male...”

“And I’m neither anti-male or pro-abortion.”

I’ve asked this before, but when did it become no longer a thing where Nazis are the definitive bad buys? I mean I grew up watching Indiana Jones & Captain America punch Nazis in the face and everyone cheered. How is this a thing?

I love the way that constituents handled those congress persons who did not do town halls:

Dave Brat moved his townhall to a small town 60 miles from where the majority of his constituents live and held it in a venue that barely holds 200. There was a crowd of hundreds more outside. He literally didn’t think there were people who cared enough to drive an hour.

The video of Mitch McConnell getting yelled at was one of the top ten best things to happen in spite of Trump’s first month in office.

Kids have thoughts and feelings too. They’re going to be affected by politics just as much as anyone else. They should be getting involved so they can learn from an early age to side eye people who say one thing and do the opposite.

Cotton changed the venue five times in three days in order to confuse his constituents to try and make sure they wouldn’t show up (or that only his most diehard fans/supporters showed up). Thankfully the media was on it and people found out the right place to go.

It’s really inspiring to see all of these people participating in the town halls. I loved it when one of the audience members asked Cotton, “What kind of insurance do you have?”

Senator Cotton just got picked by a 2nd grader.

You know things are about to take a turn for the Real when Cotton is getting attacked by his own constituents.

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress

He’s not allowed to delete this shit. Obama didn’t delete a single tweet, they’re historical records. Also saying that made me throw up.