
Moral of the story...don’t shit where you fuck. 

Well, I beat you to it and it did not go well.

You google “man eating own sperm” first and tell me how it goes.

Welp, just like that I’m ready for the NFL season to begin.

My gut is telling me he was/is.

We need a link. Now! 

Yup. I just kept saying “Jesus!” over and over.

A crow left of the...Jesus Christ!!!!

It’s amazing this hasn’t been thought of before. 

Not one person in the brass knows an NBA owner/coach/player?! Anyone?! Jeezuz.

That’s a good Life Hack there.

I didn’t do it! 

A-fuckin-men! +1 bundle of dynamite

This is a good take. Dude can look how he wants.

Damn...a pick and roll with him and LeBron would actually be something to see. I like what you’re putting down. 

Chinese or Japanese food? And why?

what gives? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You’re supposed to relax once your gag reflex kicks in, cowboy. 

+Two Goals, One Cup.

*Check’s on who the president is.*