
Oh and please explain why God, in all of his wisdom, gave men a prostate, a means of achieving an orgasm through anal sex...?

No, you're wrong, God made Eve as a companion for Adam... and he made her only after animals. He did not make her for marriage or for procreation... that only occured AFTER their sin and their ultimate banishment... Do you even read the Bible?

Dude, you are a nut job... I'm scared of you. Well done.

But you will go to hell unless you repent your sin of homosexuality right? Please tell me how someone should ever be shamed into believing that who they are is a sin and that because they love someone of the same sex they must repent the sin. Give me a break, you can't actually believe what you're saying... can you?

Show me where Jesus mentions anything about homosexuality. Anything... anything at all... ? No? Please tell me why not.

You are just as big of an idiot as your fellow Westboro Christians... the ignorance of your words reveal it. And the fact that you believe you are righteous confirms it. Homosexuality is as much of a sin as your misinterpretation of the love of Jesus. Don't pick and choose what you call a sin, read the chapters that

I think an 8 would be "yeah that game was pretty good" ... a 6.3 is more like "eh it was aight" ... I don't know too many people that would say, a flat out, Yes or No when recommending a game.

Would you say the Nook HD+ would be number 5 on this list? Just curious why you left it off completely? A top 5 list...

I agree. I've tried them all and I really love the Nook. I don't think I'll even upgrade my NST (without glowlight) for a while because 'it just works'... and feels like butter. The Nook HD+ is pretty amazing and it's frustrating when a site like this makes no effort to offer its recommendation. That's just sad.

I guess you didn't notice that the Nexus is made by Samsung.

True. I like you, always have so I'm not really complaining as much as just trying to make a point. I think for a product such as this... a lengthy review covering every possible point is a must. There are only a handful of products every year that need their wikipedia-review... I mean the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 is a big

What? Oh how wrong you are. More words equal more information that is otherwise left out completely. Have you ever read an Engadget review? They traverse 3-4-5... 6 pages sometimes and each word is just as interesting as the next so those with short attention spans can enjoy it as well. But most importantly the

That's why I'm reading Engadget more and more these days for things like reviews. Gizmodo is making me sad.

I saw this a while back and seeing it again I'm still in awe of the work that went into it. This is a masterpiece of stop motion.

I would have to completely agree with you. This is aweful.

I called... no one picked up.

Don't worry, I'm out of money. Thanks.

I can't help but feel like they deserve it, not because they do, but because I think the guy is really annoying and his commercials are horrible.

Well, so much for that. Thanks a lot Google... and here I am promoting it on Facebook and trying to spread the word to everyone to get it. I feel like an idiot now. Oh well, HTC here I come.

So why are you returning all of them? You like them equally? Or just waiting for the Nook HD instead?