
nah, I actually have Virgin Mobile (Go Sprint!) and pay 25 bucks a month, I use an older Android phone (LG Optimus V) that actually works great. I think I represent a lot of people who just haven't jumped to the "latest greatest" yet based on hype alone. I think the Nexus 4 will be a lot of people's diving board for

What? Boy am I glad you aren't a reviewer. I don't need LTE it's not available in my area and it's plenty fast regardless, 16 gigs for 350 bucks is way enough storage for me. The camera is 8mp so it's really actually very usable. Oh... and yeah, it's unlocked so I will pay less than 50 bucks a month for unlimited. So

The shape is growing on me, curves might be the new square.

I really like the curves and the shape of this. At first I hated it, I think because I wanted it to look like what the others look like, but it's actually pretty beautiful. I just want to touch it...

Oh man, I feel sorry for you for posting this as the first comment... ouch. This is really bad dude and you'll probably get tore up for it. It's just completely wrong, ill-informed, biased and just plain dumb. But I get what you were trying to say, it's just fueled by your fanboyism and you seem blinded to reality by

Oh, and front facing dual stereo speakers... that's awesome! Gorgeous tablet!

Yes this is the design... and it's beautiful. It has an optical illusion of the edges of the landscape curving in and the bezel is a perfect size for holding it without touching the screen. I was hoping samsung would break away from the boring and bring us something with shape. Thank God they did something different.

You're being ironic right? It's funny if you are, it's kinda sad if you're not.

I've got Netflix and I've been waiting for this movie to show up... I'm glad I was told about it and was given a good recommendation to see it. So thanks Eric Limer for that.

No, I don't see it that way. I think many companies, whether big or small all have a purpose daring to be great, but the goal is to make money regardless of anything else. Microsoft cannot be considered soulless anymore so than Apple just because their designers weren't as inspired as those of Apple's. Even the case

Exactly! I understand the strategy of keeping Android available for every manufacturer and not alientating those who are making Google millions... but there comes a time in every boy's life when he has to grow up into manhood... and I think Google is just too comfortable living in his parents' basement. It just

And yet, every other marketing trick they use to sell their goods are somehow different? This is marketing 101... 'it just works'.

This was a great post until the end... the fact that you really believe Apple had this wonderful soul, singing kumbaya, creating an empire based on good intention and warm hearted artistry is laughable. They were passionate about design, just as the great German designs of the 50's inspired a cold simplicity of

Nah... it flows and runs smoothly and easily with a pointer. I've seen demos and thought it has a better optimized performance than what we're used to. Don't worry about the whole touch need, it is pretty awesome with the mouse/touchpad too.

I don't own a thimble. I've tried to sew but it just never stays on, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, plus I don't have a steady hand and I have a hard time threading the needle. Why does the string always get loose and come out? Do I knot the end of the string? How much string do I need to use? I hate sewing!

Yeah I don't think this deserves the Nobel Prize. First, I'd have to drive all the way to my mom's house so she can sew it on... then try to explain to her (and myself) why I spent 4 bucks on a special button.

Nice! Best reply.

America! Fuck Yeah! Well, we may be fat, stupid, overly religious (hence the stupid), violent, xenophobic racist bigots.... wait, where was I going with this? Go America!!

Hot pic!

Yup, that's it, Rush'N Attack Ex-Patriot. Don't get me wrong, that wasn't a great game, and Mark of the Ninja looks really fun and fluid to play... and I've been a huge fan of side scrollers since the 90's... but I can't believe how similar these two games look. From the lights to the hiding spots and even the kills,