
I haz a sad.

No matter how much testing has been done I think it’s to be expected that these kinds of issues will crop up in a car’s first real race. It’s interesting that they happened so early, though.

99% of all racecar engineering is designing things in a way that the rulebook hasn’t yet explicitly prohibited.

It isn’t cheating unless the rule specifically says “no sandbagging at the tests” - or many paragraphs, pictures, graphs and such defining what sandbagging actually IS, and what the meaning of “IS” is....

Cheating? Naw. Creative use of a loophole? Yes. Give a racing engineer and inch and they’ll take a mile.

“Should we cheat?” “Yeah we should totally cheat.” x54. ‘Merica.

Oh. Our unleaded is $4.92 a US gallon ($1.29 a liter) and diesel is just a bit more. Man if petrol were that cheap I’d buy a v8 truck and carry another v8 engine around. Because v8.


What would be good imo is having Google Now handle this. Something like...”ok google.... turn off notifications for <app name here>.” Have it toggle back as well.

I use Waze while driving, with the phone in a car mount, with my favorite podcast player in the background, and it works really well, until someone posts a comment for me in Facebook and it pops a notification, pausing music and flashing it briefly on screen. It’s annoying and sometimes dangerously distracting.

That’s from 2012. I haven’t seen one of those for sale in years. its a shame, if they’ve gotten cheap enough, that would be a fun car.

Reverse: Shelby!

This gets 4 (out of a possible 5) Mick Dundees for its Aussumeness.

FiSTUUUUUUUU the racist voice is backuuuu

And how many broken cameramen do you think there’d be if it was RS’ed.

Of course!

So do we RS this or nah?