Absolute skills. I love it.
Absolute skills. I love it.
We most definitely need this show in America, just so I can watch this once a week. I mean, who DOESN'T wish they could do this to a woman every week?
There's no substitute for Thermite in this case.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but CP. I have always loved Syclones/Typhoons, and had a wonderful 5 years with my Ty. 16,900 is just absurd for this vehicle for 2 reasons.
I've gotten 2 girls I dated hooked with the 1st US trip episode. One was a car girl that just hadn't been exposed yet, and the other could care less about anything more stout than a Honda Fit. Once they watched that episode on a big screen with the surround sound blaring, they were hooked. I immediately follow that…
I was going to vote but I ended up Google Image searching "Sasha Grey's Cinnamon Starfish" and was immediately fired. Posting from the bus stop outside my old office. Can I get a ride?
Not complicated at all really. I have yet to use a webhost that didn't grant FTP access to the site, and I've had domains since 98'. YOU should take responsibility for YOUR site. Now, if the hosting provider states they make backups, and they didn't, well that's a different story and I feel bad for the people that…
Is this thing twin-charged? You can hear and see the blower on top.
Short, Sweet, #cotd
Believe me, I was looking hard in that list, but I let Jalop have a pass since they used the term "car". Otherwise it would have been on like donkey kong.
Same thing that will eventually happen to Facebook. Welcome to the world where people just get bored of everything. I can't wait for FB to be replaced.
No kidding. I had an Aerobie back in 1994. What the hell is so Hela-special about this thing? OOOOH! It's YELLOW!
Circumference...Diameter... tomato/tomotto my friend. In a windstromn these units of measure become synonyms. He obviously graduated college, as indicated by his purchase of an STi, so I will make the educated leap that he knows the difference between the two. Then again, he drives a Suburu.
The only thing I took away from this story is that he should have bought a Stage III kit. The Stage II still didn't save the car. Stage III would have shot him out safely. I'm sure he's learned his lesson and will be upgrading to it in his new Scoobie.
At first I thought this new Charger was going to suck, but then I took a long, hard look at the front grill, and realized that it most definitely swallows too.
@ProudGeek: FlintLock
@SkipErnst: Exactly. Thanks for showing us how it actually works. Advertising failure to me.
The black guys is 'Twitch" from the show "So you think you can dance".
@lilwillie: As long as the price gap maintains 20% between a gallon oif E85 and a gallon of gasoline, I guess that's good for you then. If prices ever come within that margin, E85 loses its advantage, sincle mileage drops anywhere from 15-20% when going from "gas" to E85.