It may be 4 wheel drive, but I'd think you'd need to lift it at least 4 inches to pull that off.
It may be 4 wheel drive, but I'd think you'd need to lift it at least 4 inches to pull that off.
At 2:34 you can clearly see an ISIS militant seagull attempting to scuttle the barge. 2 seconds later he's dealt a swift dose of Tomahawk justice. GET OFF MY BOAT!
Had an 05 "Double-Nickel" for a couple of years and never had any airmatic problems. Sure, if it DOES go you're looking at 650.00 a side + labor for a new Arnott replacement strut. Other than that though, the car was bulletproof, even at 500+ RWHP. I loved it. Sold it to my friend and he's still amazed how many…
Indy shop quoted right under a grand for the rear main. If my car had been STOCK, I'm sure the rear main would have gone a lot further. Kleemann Headers and exhaust, 180mm lower pulley, bigger TB, and a boatload of other mods puts a "little" extra stress on the engine <grin>. For as many gadgets and electronic…
I had an 05 E55 with the same engine and ABC suspension for 2 years. I sold it last month with 90K on the clock. I had zero issues with the ABC. I had to replace the 2 most common parts to fail (voltage regulator on the back of the alternator, and the Crank Position Sensor). Less than 200 dollars total for both parts.…
LOL@ STD dyno numbers. Instant 30 HP by not using SAE correction. It's what all the "cool kids" do to pump their dyno numbers. Gotta love it.
Pretty sure my name casts my vote . Had mine for 5 years and absolutely loved it. And honestly the interior wasn't THAT bad in the 90's. I still had a leather clad rocketship with room for my friends and a stereo. And oh how brake boosting and launching from Stop lights over and over and over felt. Good times man.…
That is not the Pole Position he was looking for.
What the? That IS fascinating. Nice link!
some of us have glass PC tables as well. I have to have a pad.
The difference between an 11.9 and a 10.2 in the 1/4 is..... how do I put this... WORLDS APART. 10.2 in the 1/4 and will easily pass 200 miles per hour. I'm not surprised at all with this car.
Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right, CHAD!
I still have my blog and photo gallery online. I've never Facebooked, nor will I ever. My site is my place to spill my musings of life, and I like it that way.
I'm embarrased to say that those are the stock 2003-2004 Ford Lightning tails. I will defend that fact that the wheels on the truck are not chromed. They come painted in light gray from the factory. I'm already on the Lightning forums trying to find out who this guy is lol.
As a fellow Sy/Ty'er, I can only hope you find your baby in one piece, and that the scum who did this get found in pieces. B*$tards, the lot of them.
The nautical term for this maneuver is called "RAMming Speed!!!!"