
The brawl would have lasted longer, but everyone involved remembered it takes about 3 hours to get home from Levi’s Stadium, so they had to cut it short.

Sideshow Bob + the guy from Memento=

Standard Trump response to any question asked about what he’s going to do about X issue:

+1, I deleted my lesser joke because this was perfection. Thank you.

Thank you. The author just sounds like an ignorant coward. There was nothing inherently more dangerous or stupid in that jump and the surfer seems to be in control.

Some facts for those that are unaware of kitesurfing stuff:

I would have been shocked if Trump hadn’t posted something like this.

As someone sitting and waiting for this hurricane to just run through, Matt Drudge can go fuck himself.

I think he’s just upset that there’s a Matthew in Florida who blows worse than he does.

I was heartened by how many of the responses encouraged him to go stand on the beach and test out his theory.

For a job that a motivated 14 year old could probably perform with a few hours of training? Yea, kinda.

Also, the food workers really think the school should take out the bit about Professors having rights of Prima Nocta.

600 people asking to work and be paid in the summer when the need is probably a tiny fraction of that actually does seem like a lot to ask to me.

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

It helps to have a fucked up name like Rinse Pubis or whatever.

He had to go help take a ring to Mordor.

His supporters are too stupid to even understand what this means.

Not likely. His supporters aren’the impressed by facts or any of those silly things. Climate change? Fake, made up by China. Autism? Caused by the government and their vaccines. Fluoridation of water? A commie plot by the government to rob us of our precious bodily fluids.

Inexplicably undefeated? I thought this was about football, not George W. Bush.