If Noah doesn’t want to support an organization that ruins young men’s lives then he shouldn’t have signed with the Knicks.
If Noah doesn’t want to support an organization that ruins young men’s lives then he shouldn’t have signed with the Knicks.
“To me, it was embarrassing to watch that these are our two candidates,” Kaepernick said Tuesday. “Both are proven liars and it almost seems like they’re trying to debate who’s less racist. And at this point, talking with one of my friends, it was, you have to pick the lesser of two evils, but in the end, it’s…
Yeah but where do the white supremacists stand on anti-devapement?
I hope GM drops a press release right on their fuckin heads for this.
This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re…
“What will dumb white people say about how Trump does?” is more like it.
ooooo sick burn
Yeah, that’s always been the advice of the greats that have actually led social change. Gandhi and MLK always advised burn down that shit... that you actually paid for with money taken out of your check each week... cause, uh, that accomplishes... a lot.
Imagine being so rich that you have no fear of leaving the house looking like that.
I’m always amazed that anybody goes to any NFL game.
BLM: “Some police are assholes.”
Don’t be an idiot.
A bad port does nothing to chance PC’s complete superiority.
It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.
Of all the things that make me angry about Breitbart, the thing that is making me the most irrationally angry is this snippet:
Still fake.
loving the comments so far. who said that trump supporters are all literally inbred dumbasses?
Reading breitbart is fun, whenever I need an alternative reality fiction story.
Because Ben Carson’s house is gonna be a shrine in fifty years(Before Armaggedon but after the Apocalypse).