Going back in history, Erich von Stroheim and Josef von Sternberg did the same (for various reasons), so it’s a jokey nod to that too.
Going back in history, Erich von Stroheim and Josef von Sternberg did the same (for various reasons), so it’s a jokey nod to that too.
So.... stare in awe at their arms/torso, and ask if I may feel their muscles?
The characters in the movie all came across as realistic people with their own set of virtues and flaws, trying to make the best of the circumstances, albeit not always making the right choices. So I think it gets that balance you mention is achieved rather well. Even while living in a vastly different environment, I…
The full videos used to be Facebook live things, and you can find the old ones on the FB page. But I fear the new format is precisely this: just a separate video for each film, and it last like 3 minutes.
Apparently yes. It’s published by Taschen, a German publishing house that specializes in coffee table art books covering any topics imaginable. It seems they even have a 3D edition of the Butt Book
Yes, the related articles thing is okay, and it having only Big Butt Books for this article is a nice touch
The picture used for this article is not the picture I hoped to see
The newest one is also considered by Scott as the official one, and also the only one currently getting re-releases (I saw it in theater a few years ago). It’s called “The Final Cut”.
Damn, she doesn’t sound as nice as most of the Danish people I met :-(
Yeah, I noticed that too. In Mike’s defence though, the director is Danish.
*adds to watchlist*
She’s his sister
Oh, I agree the communication about this has been pretty bad. Just trying to help out :-)
Legacy accounts can be claimed since yesterday!
The A.V. Club
interesting! It makes sense of course, and it works really well, although I think they sometimes went a little overboard with it.
I am!
re:mother! Mike D’Angelo gave it his highest rating in years:
It also simply keeps you slightly off-balance, feeling something is strange.
Okay, did it. So... am I out of the greys?