
I’m not an F1 driver, so I can’t say with any authority, but that looks pretty obtrusive to me.

I will never understand why people are so down on Tom Nook, who just sells you a house with a no-interest mortgage you can pay whenever you get around to it and with no down payment the minute you move into town and need somewhere to live. He even gives you a tent to live in while the house is being built.

Eh I don’t have an issue with anything you described. As you point out, waiting is the name of the game in any version of AC, and the games are designed specifically to be played in small chunks every day: talk to some animals, do a few chores, do a few bell-earning activities, and then do it all again tomorrow. That

No, France’s cosplay is not très bien, but it is admittedly très bon!

Tip #1: Be American.

Nerf Now had a fun little Metroid storyline

FUCK YOU 2016 .... !!!!!! Sad, sad year. For everythings. War, politics, famous people, personnal matters, FUCK !

Wtf does a characters sexuality have to do with an FPS?

My name is Delia, too.

Maybe you need to convince your pc cohorts to stop pirating games so PC versions can get released at the same time.

it’s doctor hoooo

Aside from the graphical downgrade, i think i prefer her more stoic (newer) look.

I... really don’t like the PS Pro. It splits development for very little benefit, and it means that no one will optimize for the vanilla PS4 anymore, so we’ll have bullshit like the PC does where if a game doesn’t work on your hardware, they’ll just say “buy better hardware, stop being so poor” and that sort of goes

Such cool character art, i wonder how it’s reflected in ga-

A better Pokemon Go already exists.

Apparently the game freak is insulted we compare an innocent pokemon with donald trump and choose to create the official one.

“Votre Uber est ici. Qui a appellez le Uber? SVP, Uber? Moi. Ici. Uber.”

Come on Canada.

Comparing Hatsune Miku to cyberpunk is the biggest affront to cyberpunk I have seen in a hell of a long time.