If only our government had the integrity of a high school mock trial...
If only our government had the integrity of a high school mock trial...
Trump is an idiot who always fails when people don’t take him seriously, and sometimes wins when people do.
His inner-circle of ghouls apparently cheered him up by talking up the Muslim ban at dinner on Sat at the Winter Eagle’s Nest. The type of person who gets all happy and hard at the thought of denying other humans life, family, decent work, and normal pleasures... I don’t even know how to finish that sentence...
True, but that almost certainly works both ways.
Ah, yes, Obama’s cunning plan!
Oh, Comey can’t comment on an open investigation?
The American fucking people did it. That’s who. *shakes head*
I have this image of him waterskiing with Richard Branson, and coming back from vacation to find out that he has been cast as the Emmanuel Goldstein of the crumbling Trump regime.
I agree there is no way this is sustainable. My guess is that something will come out that will force their hand. They’ve passed the point of no return IMO to save face. You have Paul saying “Republicans don’t investigate other Republicans” and Ryan’s weak response to Sessions lying to Congress.
None of this has seemed real for quite sometime but now the jig is up. I am clearly in the middle of a nasty, bad acid trip and would like to know who dosed me, please.
Even though he blames Obama, these allegations Trump is making also suggest that the FBI acted illegally as well.
He is rich and powerful and white and male. He does not give any fucks what us peasants think.
It was someone on a “conservative radio” program that got reported by Breitbart.
his first thought waking up and has last thought at night
I hope that his first thought waking up and has last thought at night are the same: “I helped create this monster.” I hope he realizes just how much he helped fuck this country, and I hope that whatever payoff he got for it will never be enough.
I’m sure Trump’s “source” regarding this “fact” is some “guy” who called into Sean Hannity’s “news” program talking about how BLM got Obama to surveil Trump, because “the blacks” have always hated Trump’s family and their “success”...Them and the fucking “eskimos” are just jealous of all whites who believe in power.…
Does this dipshit regret braying about reopening the investigation into Hillary’s emails? I hope he gets the most agonizing migraines from dealing with Trump’s dumpster fires every day.
I have this image of Obama sitting in a room at his new house just surrounded by recordings, documents and other evidence that can put Trump away for life and he’s just releasing it little by little while relishing the utter agony Trump is in.
Who else thinks that right before the midterm elections in a last gasp to save the house and senate impeachment proceedings are started by republicans in a desperate play to save face?