
While nobody’s debating that Leo’s a douche, including Leo himself apparently, people who try to police the phone use of others are generally assholes.

I think it used to be funny... Now it comes off as a bit desperate.

I think maybe her schtick only works on stage, because reading this hear makes her sound like an asshole.

Get off your fucking phone and say hi to the great Lily Tomlin! = I’m hanging out with an icon so you’ll have to acknowledge me!

Does Kathy think these stories make her sound good? She just sounds like a fucking asshole, over and over.

I agree that Evgenia’s use of the real audio was a terrible idea. This does raise a question for me though: Is there something about skating that makes it inherently unsuitable for addressing serious real-world topics, more so than other types of art and performance? There are plays, movies, novels, ballets, and

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.

Shut up, Rich. Go away.

The Browns did share five follow-up emails that they received from people who attended the event, in which they thanked the organizers and expressed interest in staying in touch regarding possible job opportunities.

This is smart. Why wait until the next draft to sign a QB?

So-and-so “is not a friend of the left” and therefore “you don’t need to take him seriously”.

the 37different genders is not why dems lost. It’s this reaction in this exact post why the dems lost the election. It was a fucking joke.

“Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.”

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

You wrote, “which would have been fine, we can laugh at ourselves.” OK, then I don’t understand, if this is the case, why was everyone flipping out over the joke BEFORE he commented on it on twitter?

it was a good joke

I have no idea what a fair assessment of Strong’s performance as coach is. But if college football were what it pretends to be, wouldn’t this basically be validation that he was having a positive impact in a lot of young student’s lives and, therefore, should be kept around?

Because of this. Not even an hour and already almost 30k reads, which most Kotaku articles don’t get, unless it’s about some hot new game. A game that came out 6 months ago is still getting this many views for something that you find inane. That should tell you how much people care and like reading about Overwatch.

Because they wrote about him the first time, because Overwatch is big right now, so a cool highlight draws attention. This is a direct follow-up with that same person, and will thus draw in any readers of the previous piece, along with new readers for just being a cool piece on Overwatch.

“Listen Chris, I’ll take the R, but seriously, you need to calm down, it’s just a game of horse.