
I’m not sure it’s fair to say we know how to fix poverty as there hasn’t really been a civilized culture without it. Part of the problem is implementation in a self-centered, political world.

Please use this type of snark for all religious ridiculousness going forward <3

Great addition to story. Thanks for sharing

Right. Clickbait title.

I don’t understand. Doesn’t the cost fall on the students whether they charge a a fee or use other funds to address it?

Superbly written article. I’m happy to see the problem addressed so plainly without spinning it into something else

Yeah that’s why she said that. Was it actually hand delivered? I’m guessing no.

Awwww I misread the headline and thought I was going to see someone back-flipping over a defender.

“players 23 and under, all four of Russia’s goals were scored by players younger than 25.”

I think the article addresses your exact point but from a different perspective: Delilah is being strictly observant of her religion—the interpretation is just different.

Just for thought, I know some of these John Doe cases argue that there’s a contract between the university and the student. And by ignoring due process or even their own stipulated procedures, they’re violating the contract and/or various contract laws.