
How do you know when someone is an xbox fan boy?

How do you know when someone is an xbox fan boy?

This post comes across as petty, mean-spirited, and ill-informed, IMO.

Comments on the Miami Herald article say this kind of aggressive and entitled behaviour from him in that Starbucks isn’t even unusual. Regulars have seen it before, it’s just this time he decided to invoke Trump to try and make the news.

You guys posted a link to the Washington Post article but I want to highlight a bit of the original story. Not only did he claim that was not served but that it was because of “anti-white discrimination” and this is why he lashed out. Then there is this:

The best part is that witnesses say he wasn’t refused service, his drink was just taking a few minutes. Dude probably ordered a frappuccino and then lost his mind when someone who had been behind him in line ordered a plain drip coffee and then drip coffee guy got his drink first.

We call that Freedom Foam.

I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:


I think they voted for “burn everything down,” which is a simpler way of saying they voted against the establishment.

As someone who is at 5 years with no family contact (because my family are the most miserable people I’ve ever met), I say good for him. You can’t choose your family, but you can choose who you allow in your life. If those choices mean he’s happy, then more power to him.

Maybe, but we don’t know anything about what has happened in his life outside the football field and what he chooses to make public. As with the vast majority of people, his private life is private.

Do you think the overwhelming number of people who voted for Trump (more than voted for Romney), especially white working class voters, voted for him because they considered his economic policy ideas, compared them to Clinton’s, and made a sober assessment of them and decided Trump’s would make them better off? Of

People who say this don’t have a clue what it means to be a pro League player. TSM put in 14 hour days for months on end just to be on top in North America, then were defeated in international tournaments because Korean teams put in even more time. Playing a game this much isn’t fun, it’s a job, and it’s one that is

You seem upset. Though I’m surprised that you can access the internet on a typewriter.

Probably because it’s run like a dictatorship.

That’s an amazing idea.

I’m loving 3 also, for all those reasons, plus just the fact that 2 and all the “I’m gonna scream every time anything isn’t exactly how I want” has stopped. There’s still a lot of “threenager” boundary-testing (FFS STOP HITTING PEOPLE/ STOP THROWING THINGS), but overall 3’s been great so far.

The 1 kid with a minivan stereotype needs to die - I’ve never seen it.

And goddammit, can we please stop rising for “God Bless America” in the seventh? It’s not the national anthem. I’m not getting off my ass twice in one game to fellate the flag again.

Spend the money on the van. Especially the DVD players. I was like you, and thought “Who the hell do my kids think they are, getting to watch TV while I’m busting my ass up here driving?”. Now I want to put whoever invented the in-car DVD player on the one dollar bill.