
I’m really thinking that photo accompanying this story needs to be replaced because it absolutely looks like one can see up that ladies skirt.

Reminds me of my early PSHOME days.

It has to do with the shape of your follicles. Straight hair has a round follicle. The curlier your hair is, the more narrow-oval-shaped your follicle is.

This was a fascinating read. I’m always amazed at how fans of games like this are able to essentially expand the gameplay beyond what was intended. It reminds of when “adventure maps” came out for MineCraft that essentially created scripted story missions in a game that - at the time - had no tools for that.

Here’s a photo of the suspect.

From college:

“I didn’t come here with a list” 

What shocks me most is that she was at Trader Joe’s. If this were at a regular supermarket I would understand the ignorance.

I enjoyed the COTD, but the Shareef don’t like it.

“You are about to witness the strength of First Lady”

Well, whenever I go to Walgreens (despise CVS), there is just so much to look at. I always discover something that I didn’t know I needed. And the stores encourage it, I think. If you have to wait 10-15 minutes for a script to be filled the chances of wandering, hence impulse-buying, are greatly increased. Or maybe

As a former casino executive, I would encourage you not to stay away from Baccarat. It is actually a very easy game, and is the most likely of all of the card games for you to actually win money. The only game with better odds is if you find a video poker machine set up just right, and you know how to play it. But

I’ll just leave this here...