Tym T used to have some bimmers

Sergio, brah, see that up there ^, yeah the red one on the right. Give Pininfarina a holler and get some Hemis ready with a little extra special sauce. You know you want it.

I can have this because the color almost matches my other car and I can park it in front of it.

Now playing

Tadasuke Makino’s on line 1 for you. Something about a halo.

You don’t say. I do go out of my way to not order there, and I do follow the politics of where my money goes. I do appreciate the bootlickers that keep their comments to themselves, but we eventually out them. Free speech, that motherfucker’s a two way street. Make sure you don’t get run over.

Probaly the 500 most deserved ass-whoopins in the US currently.

Pfft. I’d do it anyway. You got no outlaws there? That’s a damn shame.

Government paid NFL for the patriotic displays, something something... C’mon, you already knew that.

Read title too fast, saw DeathHawk, and was way too excited for minute.

You forgot:

Dang, that’s making my brakes overheat and my car’s just sitting out in the parking lot.

My ex father in law passed down lawn equipment to me in this manner.

Now playing

Observe the moment the aliens leave the vehicle via the right rear quarter panel and return control to the human.

Times is weird, my friends. Times is weird. But cars are fast and I ain’t heard nobody bitchin’.

He’d been battling an influx of German roaches for three years and the problem was now personal.

You only need to know the one thing: Nobody knows why we can’t all just get along. You, driving along as you are, are making the world a better place.

A trade war, or at lease a smack in the face of a few of our global “partners” was far overdue. Don’t argue, as this 20 year mfg. exec. will just laugh at you.

Can confirm. Challenger driving son-in-law currently stationed in Killeen.

Jeff Sessions is an honorable person.

I have but one middle finger for anyone who ever asked for “useful” in a BMW. And to call it a 6? Yep, two middle fingers. Begone with this nonsense.

He’s over there explaining the benefits of the LQ9 piston shape to his wife again so he can get this.