Tym T

One look at that shitty camaro was enough for me.

Working on my voice activated digital sign program. Adding “Nope. You fail.”

For the desert and other high speed dirt runs? Surely it gets up there a bit in speed, might need some downforce back there.

I feel half of your pain.

The logic is sound.

“The framing is strange—Sanders juxtaposes “ordinary Americans” against women, Latinx and black people and the LGBTQ community as if they were different groups. He also frames those “ordinary Americans” and their issues as “equally ... or more important” than that of the marginalized communities he lists before.”

Sounds like an asshole left a gaping void that would be easy enough to fill. Get to work, whoever wants it.

Yep. It is, frankly, a farce to call it civilized.

Last weekend I binged season 2. I thought it was good to find out there were others. I just wasn’t aware I wasn’t supposed to like this episode. Thanks for getting me up to speed.

To be clear, though, it is not possible for an Accord coupe to be “very meh.” A purchase of two extra doors is required to claim “very.”

Checks out. Two short, elderly ladies in an orange 720 pulled into the Tom Thumb next to me a couple weeks ago. Hell yeah, drive what you want, I say. Next time I won’t be slack-jawed so I’ll get a pic.

Look. It’s pretty simple. If you see someone put oversized, shitty looking white letter tires on their vintage camaro and call it cool, you should know what kind of poor taste you’re dealing with right there.


People have difficulty thinking in the mindset of a stakeholder economy where the value of services and support structures is not discounted nor compromised.

I typically find that “the expertise” probably presented their facts about “the schedule” to management until such a time that further doing so would jeopardize one’s employment. Or something.

The wife’s 86 T’Bird V8 spit out an axle. Luckily only going 30mph. Fun stuff. That’s when I discovered c-clip eliminators.

Well, I made (not me, personally) 7 figures worth of wiring harnesses including that tape and others so far this year, so...

I used to design electrical systems for luxury motorcoaches and we used Glendinning 50A motorized shore cables in everything. Cool units with a remote control. Just hold the button and walk along with the cable. Most customers parked near the pole and spooled out about 6-8ft...

Ahem, “acoustic” ceilings.

So, you’re dissing Gone in 60 Seconds? On Jalopnik? Interesting.