Tymm Thorpe

Hey TomTom’s (or Garmin in my case) are still super useful. I install satellite for a living. While I carry two smart phones both with gps, things would be way harder with out my Garmin. The company can also doesn’t come with even power windows so in dash gps is a pipe dream. I’m not willing to use the data on my

Yes it is. Well not that one in particular..

You beat me to it. One of my all time favorites. I'm a sucker for suicide doors.

Lincoln Continental...

This is an incredibly stupid risk, yet it still make me smile.

That section of alameda is fun for seeing all sorts of idiots.

Ahh ok. I”ve been really busy with work lately and must have missed all that. Thanks for filling me in.

Wait are more blogs getting shut down?

Highlander hybrid. I'm dumb. It hit me as soon as I hit publish

Pardon my thick-headedness Doug. But HiHy?

Reading it in Bills voice makes it even better

Can we all just pitch in and keep Mazda by themselves. I don't want anyone ruining them.

A Star because I had a red 95. Actually I kind of had fun beating the crap out of it off road

This happened to my father-in-law. He calls me up one day to tell me he got a solstice gxp. I’m not really into that car but I told him I was happy for him, and glad that he got the turbo model. He asks me if I want to go for a ride and check it out, and of course I told him sure, because why the hell not. He pulls up

Nhl center ice is what you need. Wings fan in Albuquerque. Don’t know how I would survive without it.

Had Blakes yesterday. Made my belly happy.

As someone who used to be a teller manager for an evil stagecoach themed bank, I can assure you that the work life balance was awful. 6 days a week for 10-12 hours a day. Granted banks are fucking terrible.

Anyone have any suggestions for New Mexico?

Yeah so probably don't ever do that.

What kind of monster puts celery on a sandwich?!?