Now, give us a Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina RPG.
Now, give us a Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina RPG.
I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.
“Flash must have screwed around with the multiverse again.”
Important note, Marisa is explicitly bi/pan and probably poly. Her questline in world tour questline explicitly has her considering suitors of different genders and then choosing both. She even says theres room for you as a third regardless of what gender you pick for your character.
Shes also thirsty as hell for…
Developed and published by Gameloft
He wasn’t loyal to Bungie since he repeatedly broke NDAs.
Also, Bungie are not stupid they kept things quiet for a reason. He chose to try and create a victim narrative and backlash and I am not surprised he went to someone gullible like Paul Tassi for this.
It’s in the same category of “I’m not racist but..."
I don’t think I’ve ever heard an innocent person say ‘only God can judge me’.
Religious quote - check
Look, I have no dog in this fight but the “this is what loyalty gets you” remark made me literally laugh out loud. My dude, you make money playing a videogame. If you keep playing the game you like because it is what you like, and what makes you money, you aren’t “loyal,” you’re just some streamer. And while they are…
The linchpin of this entire “heist” was having access to the 1000 shares, something that’s apparently not usually possible for a non-member, and the poster is intentionally being coy about how they got them.
Yeah, that’s a hostile takeover.
10 years is plenty of time for Microsoft to ruin COD.
Ironic that you bring that up, because it’s pretty much what happened when Sony signed an exclusivity agreement to keep all of EA’s sports games off the Dreamcast. Sega was forced to create their own NFL franchise (NFL 2k) which was arguably the best out there in the early 2000s, but was subsequently cut off at the…
“You don’t even need the NFL license. You have ten years to make your own super popular football league!”
I mean, it’s exactly that. Exclusivity for everything has always been their plan; there was literally no reason to buy up all the IP otherwise; this is just execs getting pissed off that they’re not getting their way instantaneously and saying the quiet part out loud because for the first time in probably decades…
It certainly does seem that way. Not surprising that’s their plan, but it is surprising they’d all but admit that they’re just doing these agreements to drive the deal forward, and not for the altruistic reasons they’ve attempted to convince people of.
This seems like a tacit admission on MS’ part that after the 10 year guarantees they’re signing to try and get the deal across the finish line expire, they are in fact going to do all the things that people are afraid they’re going to do (Xbox exclusivity for COD, etc.)?