
Right? Like if one of their priests was caught molesting one of her kids, they’d cover it up but a parent of kids is posting sexy pictures, not even NUDE and they kick the kids out. The hypocrisy of some of my Christian brethren pisses me off

It’s pretty easy really, there are just some people who still want to live in the Old Testament

I bet a dad was paying for it, probably cuz he had a hard on for her in the first place and was cyber stalking her, got caught by his wife and she outed her instead of dealing with her husband

Fans are dumb, Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was excellent and honestly wasn’t needed to reach 100% readiness, it just made it so you dont have to play certain missions I guess.

This is a philosophy i live by, especially with my boys. They know when dad says something he means it so i don’t have much issue with them when i ask them to do things...except for the younger but he’s just stubborn af and spoiled

the trailer is already better than the entirety of two MK movies

Hmm....yep, yeah, maybe, could...maybe...nah no, nope, nope.

well, he offered his services free, she didn’t reach out to him.

He must have a book, TV  show or movie coming out soon.

i mean, i just think she was dumb. 

You must chronicle your battle via video so we can all rejoice with you once you finally defeat him!

She’s 40? What the fuck, she looks, sounds and talks like someone in their 20s. 

Bacon Bits and Salt in Grits is the shit.

how the fuck do you get caught, delete yo shit

This is a consistent thing by Trump and his people. Does no one have a proof reader?

Nah, I think it just goes to show that they thrive on emotionalism and not policy. Why give a fuck about spelling if all you care about is an emotional response.

I knew who wrote this without seeing the author.

What’s funny is, if she had won governor, Trump probably wins Georgia again but their methods of suppression incensed her enough to try and countermand those methods and push through voting to turn not only the state blue for the presidential election but the senators too.

Now playing

I understand you don’t’ like Jack but her loyal mission is so so good, you totally missed out.

Grunts mission is good as well but can be a bit tedious but since you go to Tuchanka, you learn a lot about how that society works so if you liked Wrex, that one is definitely one you gotta do.


sorry you feel that way, the rest of us will enjoy it while you sulk in the corner