
That Hydra Soak was a small reference to Agent of Shield.

Who wins,

This says everything about her.

If you haven’t seen the video:
(and of course wypipo are saying she was executed, she was just looking, she did nothing wrong, she’s a martyr lmao)

Wypipo always trying to co-opt shit and have no idea what it means.

and now all the insurrectionist are crying foul, oh woe is me lol mother fucker you tried to overturn an election you think was fraudulently stolen and lost.

the rights turn on the police now that mayors and governors are hip to their bullshit is quite the show

You can disagree with the lifestyle while also agreeing they should be treated like everyone else

uhh, you know that mcconnell got tatted up and pretty much we’re sayin that libral’s did it

at least we dont do like the right and excuse rape and violence if one of our owndo it

they both did but in the wake of police overdoing their jobs to minorities, homeless, the mentality ill and women, this is infuriating. 

i really fucking hate this shit. Why does our country make simple things so fucking difficult

i have played and replayed the Mass Effect games more than any game series ever. Since I last beat Andromeda on my old PS4, my computer gave out on me and I had to sell my ps4 and I haven’t been able to mass effect since and this article really made me miss it!

Each Mass Effect game does something great that the

Lol don’t she know Trump don’t give a shit about nothin but trying to usurp the constitution right now while thousands die?

just watched this last night, he is so good in that movie lol

Zeus came around the end of my love for pro wrestling and seeing him in Friday as a kid was awesome.

Black folk is out there with some ridiculous shit too. Remember early on the rumor that we couldn’t get it cuz somehow our african blood wasn’t susceptible to the virus? Yeah...

The African Continent and black people in America have in the past been subjected to being tested on with new untested vaccine’s and diseases by other countries and even its own government in the past. Most black people I know are hella skeptical of the new vaccine coming out, especially when they were first doing

Republican presidents have been fucking up Iran for decades

Trump loves his dumb blondes don’t he

if you want more of this shit, vote Trump. He won’t stop with minorities, they never do.