
We’ll this is pretty awful, Disqus get’s a lot of hate but the notification system made it easy to follow discussions, meanwhile Kinja forces me to use a Social Network account to login (Let’s not talk about the Burners).

At the start of the episode, the Vindicators are Supernova, Vance Maximus, Ghost Train (Lance Reddick), Crocubot, Rick, Morty, and Noob Noob. By the end, only Supernova, Rick, Morty, and Noob Noob are left.

I found interesting that it used a french song during the dance number, I just checked and it's definitely different in the trailer.

I was really worried of where they were going with this in the first episode but to me they made really clear in the second episode how wrong it is.

…hazmat suits aren’t enough; they silently duct-tape shut every point of entry to their protective gear.

I’m taking bets on what the .dmg file that Darlene hid on Angela’s laptop consists of. I’m guessing it’s some sort of monitoring program, but I’m curious if anyone has a different take.

The two angels let the Voice escape from Heaven, and are trying to recapture it before anyone finds out. I mean, I know this because I know what the Voice is, but I wonder if people who are unfamiliar with the source material would make the same assumption.

The episode was good but it just seemed like they were in a bad situation because the script said so. People don't understand you app, I don't know, hire a designer, do some on-boarding. It's not that complicated.

I'm thinking qyburn got some dirt on the high sparrow.

Haha, told you it wasn't a flash back.

Oh, was that a flashback? I thought there was several of them.

Well, in Midnight Special of course.

Oh, yeah, I didn't pick up at the time that it could be a way to break the contract later.

Really? The second that the secretary ask him if he knew which room he was supposed to go in, it was pretty obvious that he would end up talking to the reporter.

Given that "machin" means something like "that guy" in french, it made the whole recap a bit confusing, a bit like one of those xkcd word-swap.


I was assuming that Monument Point was a code name for Washington DC, anyone else?

Wait, don't open it! What if inside of it is us, but we're older?

It's probably just an homage.

I don't get all the site saying this trailer is better than the other one, sure I enjoy the new scenes but the other one was the one of the best trailer I ever seen. This one just seem like someone threw some scene and slap some random music on top.