Tylor Weaver

Haha, well it was either THAT, or 'Haters gonna hate'. Couldn't really decide which to go with on this one.. Haha

Ahhhhh, I see! Hmm, interesting... And you used the proper inquiry 'format', when asking for these directions/address? Only asking, because I'm providing some 4S/Siri feedback to a close colleague of mine at Apple.

In before PETA comment...... 3... 2.. 1. Shit, wait a minute.

Shouldn't you be minding your spot at 'Occupy' Wall Street, at the moment? Instead of browsing the interwebs :)

Haha, well go figure then! Perhaps it was the road noise...? lol

You from Bahstun?? There's your problem. Haha jk

Agreed! I was going to say the exact same thing. Good job, my dear Watson! :) haha

That's what I call Black Friday!! .....oh wait, nevermind.

but what if you were at a starbucks??? BOOM, saves ya $200~ not to mention, you might even luck out and get a free app for both your iPad's while you're there... ;) haha

I'm not sure where you're window-shopping at, but last I've checked, iPads start at only $500 a pop.. Not $600 :)

Yes, totally bothered by that... Ridiculous and OCD, I am. Haha

I don't do shit like that for my house, because my luck, some punk would come along and dick with it.. It's cool stuff for sure, but I have better stuff to do with my time. Like driving the shit out of my Ariel Atom, if I had one, like this guy does! Haha :)

Yeah, I don't quite understand the use of the term 'genius'... I mean, what does the fella do, when he wants to upgrade/downgrade phones?? LOL

Agreed. It's called hype-mongering.. Sucks and I can't stand it! lol

LMFAO... Am I the only one who laughed here??? I mean, really??

Is it just me, or does this kid look like he's straight from the early 90's...? His haircut is right out of Full House or Step-by-Step! Hahaha

Would've been better to have found a video that WASN'T first-person, and possibly one taken from above, or a couple hundred feet away or something... I'm pretty sure if you gave it a few hours, you'd probably find a couple better ones on youtube, displaying the sheer size of the crowd, a little better. Lame. You sir,

I can only imagine the excuse given to your loved one, when questioned after they happen upon your new 'toy'.....

Sorry, but these 'Gizmodo Soundtrack' posts are pretty lame. There are other ways of accomplishing the same result, without putting up more worthless blog posts such as this, over-crowding a supposed [gizmo/gadget/electronics-related] content-rich web blog.

My thoughts, precisely.