Tylor Weaver

Hmm, interesting.... The word 'interior' was used, possibly inferring that the moon is hollow???! Whaaaaa?? LOL, sorry, I had to :) And yes, that's sarcasm.

Hahahaha, exactly! Yeah, I was only kidding though :) Lol, I think I'm a better cook than mine, too... Just don't tell her that! ;)

You know, it IS an airplane. There are only SO many ways you can design and arrange wings on a fuselage... Especially a drone, considering that the 'bulb' nose is filled with about 85% of the avionics and sensor systems, which is used to control these things from thousand of miles away.... Why even bother 'redesigning

Haha, I tell ya... This is what happens when you let women out of their REAL workplaces; Kitchens. Crazy how times are changing, eh? LOL jk :) Now, go make me a sandwich, bitch! Haha

Wait, Yahoo is a chocolatey-delicious drink... Right?

What I'd REALLY like to know, is why in the hell don't these people ask to see the items before handing over hundreds of dollars..... And then, they don't even bother opening these 'items' until they get home???? Wtf kind of common sense is that? Lol

Looks like Gizmodo/Gawker needs a new front-end/UI web designer... Dumbasses, get your shit together.

Holy shit. Things just got more interesting.

Answering the question "If the phone was lost in July, why are we just now hearing about it? What's happened over the last month?".... Easy, because if we had heard about it sometime, oh say a week sooner, we could have had a 'better chance' of looking up the aforementioned Craigslist post ourselves, before the usual

Nice 'NSFW' heads-up!

I just cannot believe the level of immaturity of the writers here at Gizmodo. I mean, really? You're going to harrass and slander a minor, in public nonetheless..? Regardless of his age, why don't you maybe TRY and act your age, instead? Casey Chan, you are an embarrassment to your organization, and to all of the


Dumbest instructable ever. Should've shot himself with it instead.

You should get punched in the ovaries for saying that.

CareerBuilder.com spam doesn't count.. Just saying! :) haha, jk - Congrats to ya dude.

LMFAO... Substitute cocaine for flower, mix thoroughly.

I just caught that myself and had such an LMAO-fest.

I'm still slightly confused about your initial response to my comment.. Regarding your statement about the post trashing Lion and App Store policies, to my defense, this is my first comment regarding anything about Apple - Merely making the point, that yesterday, Gizmodo was bashing Google's latest video about the

Sigh........... That's silly.

Jesus Christ Gizmodo, We Get It....