
So I guess 700hp is the new 500hp?

Wow, I think those front wheels are off a Zundapp Janus.

How about an E24? A nice, inexpensive GT car. The smaller engines should be decent on gas, and it's also a BMW, which he obviously has an affinity for.

I used to do a bit more than that, and I actually miss it. I had the flexibility to get to work and leave later than rush hour, so most of my drive was wide-open empty freeways. Put on some good music and glide down the road in a GT car.

This is pretty clearly not a GM prototype, but still not a bad price for a driveable, solid C3. Also T-Tops.


I think that as punishment, the NASCAR drivers from this weekend's brawl should be forced to sit in on EVERY official discussion regarding the allowed depth of plunge cut for Spec Miata.

Well, technically it's Front-mid engine ;)

Were you by any chance at Nashville Cars & Coffee last weekend? An i8 showed up, but I didn't get a great look at it because it was absolutely swarmed. I've never seen a car get that much attention.

I'm not sure how effective of a hiding spot a bed would be for Jeremy Clarkson. He's quite a bit longer than the average bed.

I think you may be off on Tennessee. I've lived in Middle TN for over a decade, and when one of my friends saw an armadillo on the way to Alabama, it was Big News. I've personally never seen one in the state, alive or otherwise. Anecdotal evidence suggests that our most common roadkill is either Opossum, or Musicians.

I can't imagine Nashville Superspeedway will be good for much more than NASCAR now that we have a huge, legitimate track an hour away in Bowling Green.

Anyone else look at those numbers and get the sense that roughly 500hp goes to propelling the car forward, while the remaining 217 just makes you purchase tires more often?

A friend of mine recently bought a new car, and it was the first time I had ever been exposed to the process. You get to drive the car before you buy it, which is contrary to my sensibilities. I believe that driving a car is a privilege earned after many months of repairing whatever caused the previous owner to

To be fair to the frightened aging masses, many of them grew up in an era when cars wouldn't last 100,000 miles and you were expected to trade in your car at most every three years. There's a reason those odometers only had five digits.

HUGE props for devising a humorous way to describe diminutive back seats without referring to amputation. EVERY car reviewer tries to be funny and says, "The back seats are perfectly adequate - if you're an amputee!" or some variation thereof. Anyway...

Done! Hey...why does mine look so much different than yours?

The Trabant, mostly for the social and historical irony.

I take this a step further and stick to buying cars for close to their value in scrap metal. There is literally no risk to this method of car buying. Personally, the new car smell can't hold a candle to the feeling of watching the tow truck arrive with your new-to-you car.

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