Tyler Tervooren

“Together, these bulb actions could cost the average U.S. household more than $100 per year, adding $14 billion to Americans’ annual energy bills as of 2025"

This is all great advice, but if your 401k sucks, the first question I’d ask before doing all this work is if your plan allows in-service roll overs (to another institution).

I don’t see why you can’t have both—your own home *and* location independence. If you purchase your home using the same principles you would to buy investment property, you can hand it off to a property manager and move away if you need to.

If you think about it in terms of “what is it tied to that I can use to make my life better” then it doesn’t have any. But neither does any other durable currency, and it’s kind of the point.

I tend to agree, but where does the intrinsic value of gold come from? It has some legitimate society-building uses in things like scientific instruments and medical devices, but only an infinitesimally small fraction of it is used for that.