Tyler Standifird

I like Mumford & Sons because of all of that though. It's so cheesy I like to think it's self-aware. Just how many songs will The Happy Banjo Band write about farming and dirt roads on this album? Certainly wouldn't pretend it has any importance or emotional significance, but it's catchy enough for me to enjoy

But I don't understannnd! Why is it so funny that little pastries were zombies? That was the only thing happening and people were laughing. It's like watching MLP with bronies. Tried that and they all went crazy and were laughing during the really simple jokes aimed at children and all tense during suspenseful moments

I'm so happy Adventure Time is on this list. I've watched it with friends and they just explode laughing at things that I didn't even realize were jokes. I can't fathom the appeal. But oh man, god forbid you be in college in your 20's and not like Adventure Time.