Tyler Preston

To me, as a fellow black man, I have to say…FUCK REGGIE!!! That dumbass basically responded to a situation with violence. Yes I the cop shouldn't have pulled out his gun. However Reggie didn't show the cop his identification he was told to but instead he says "fuck these pigs", which is considered resisting against a

Your not the only one.

What's also a dann shame is that a character like Danny is something that's needed for the Defenders.

Okay, I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but doesn't anyone that the hatred for Archie just a little too much or possible that everyone's being too mean-spirited against him?

So now I believe it would be a great opportunity for Wonder Woman to have a transgender character to be one of her side-characters. Even better, a teenage transgender girl to become her sidekick, Wonder Girl!
Anyone in support of the idea at all?

Hey, I'm just wondering. All this talk about Kilgrave being an representation of male entitlement and migosyny, blah, blah, blah, blah.
How come nobody ever ask or questions what would happened if they made Kilgrave a woman. I'm not talking about rule 63'ing every character, I'm just talking about changing Kilgrave