
And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.

OK, number one, why does a grown man need someone to take him back and forth from the bathroom?

Please note Dion Waiters calling for the ball

A man after my own heart. Prog metal and fishing. :D

I don’t know what “sensitivity” has to do with anything. It’s like someone being mad about Independence Day because they have a divorce being finalized.

That’s because the Broncos will own both end zones! - Fake hubris from scared shitless Broncos fan

What’s with the “Han Solo getting ready to shoot first” posture?

Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?

Calm down there, Satan.

Considering how they are a perennial NFC contender they don’t need to turn it around. I think McCarthy is right he’s only looking for a couple impact players through free agency, nothing crazy

In all fairness to Thompson, he thought the depth at running back was going to be the best in the league given Eddie Lacy came to camp twice the man he used to be.

So the Broncos are trying to sway the officials by complaining that Brady tries to sway the officials.

how quickly they forget.

Sorry, Cam’s actions on Sunday were far less egregious than that fucking commercial Wilson did with Macklemore...

Imagine how many more hungry the 12th Man could feed and clothe if it didn’t travel across the country en masse to watch a football game. Lots of cancer drugs those plane tickets could buy instead...

“Don’t get me wrong, but I think the story about 9/11 is just that. A story. What I think happened is there were some radical Islamists on a plane, and then aliens froze time, and took those planes onto their space ships and in order to avoid explaining aliens to the American public, our government destroyed the World

In fairness, this is ESPN drug analyst Cris Carter’s area of expertise.

A-Rod’s look suggests that he’s verrry interested to know that there are local women in his area who are horny and lookin' for a good time.

And somewhere, Brandon Bostick looks towards the sky for what seems like the thousandth time, and wonders why it had to happen the way it did.