
There are deep psychological explanations for Vontaze Burflict’s behavior. He’s taking out his anger at a world which spellchecks refuse to recognize his name.

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

I mean, there were cheap shots in this game, but the tackle that caused Ben’s injury was not one of them.

Good to know sacking the QB is considered a cheap shot. Is that you Jim Nantz?

I'm pretty certain that 48 year old Deion today would scold 25 year old Deion from back in the day and offer up the same critique. It's called maturity, and the fact that he's developed some shouldn't be held against him. If we were to do that, everything a mature adult says would be classified as hypocrisy, because

I wonder who gave Marshawn the stand down order - Dick Cheney or the Jews?

Just swipe left and cut the bullshit.

GREAT kinja.

“Ignorance is bliss when it comes to our heroes sometimes. Learning the truth is a mighty huge letdown.”

I’m a dinosaur truther. The truth is that dinosaurs are fucking awesome.

I'm 21 and I don't know what the fuck that is.

I love how Mangini in A Bottle gets offended whenever someone DARES questioning the almighty Deadspin writers

So they have used three running backs and have two players injured on defense? That is supposed to mean they are deep?

ir’s because twitter didnt have a 48 hour bitch fest like after odell beckham. NFL punishment is correlated with how much negative social media coverage the incident generated

I would have to say the best moment is the “Best Sports Baby of 2015 battle.” It was clearly down to Riley Curry and TJ Smith.

I once caught a fish “this Big”

That’s the same thing I think about the recent loss of split screen

Hey asshole, you were the one creaming over Pryor’s production against fucking children. Sorry if you took an unneccessary level of umbrage at me implying that he might not stand out so much against the best in the fucking world.

His unusually long routes require a QB that can make a 12-step drop