
I wish more sub par FT shooters would granny style it. It worked for Rick Berry and whoever is in this gif.

Tecmo Bowl Bo Jackson thinks this is bullshit.

Really dude? So you grew up in South Carolina. So you know what it’s like to have your wife raped, your children sold and taken away from you? To be treated as a commodity. Wow! Life in South Carolina is a lot worse than I ever imagined. I don’t think you begin to know what slavery is like. Personally, I can’t even

I grew up on a street named “Jefferson,” so I think I’ve got a good handle on what does and does not constitute penning a nation’s founding document. Hurrrrrrr.

He hadn’t shown sufficient leadership at that point.

Hope I’m not the only one who didn’t come anywhere close to getting this joke

Highly questionable is great. It’s sports commentary that doesn’t take itself too seriously, with two intelligent guys and one jester. Would watch again, 4.75 stars.

these were the BEST books when I was in grade school!

I don’t see why this is news.

A quick drive that goes nowhere and ends in disaster? That sounds like the Seahawks offense to me.

It’s easy to focus on the negative here, but I’ve found a couple of positives:

My understanding is that your account isn’t getting banned, the game just won’t let you play anymore

Seeing the profane reactions by Eagles fans in Weatherford’s mentions was actually quite shocking. I had no clue any Philadelphians could figure out how to post on Twitter, let alone afford a smartphone.

Do not throw a beer can

Seems like your take was already hot enough, nevermind the reactions to it.

Ronaldo and Messi are two very different soccer players

When Muhammad Ali was down, did you count him out? When Jiminy Cricket was down, did you count him out? This is the comeback, Doug. 2-3. Did you see DeMarco Murray?

Are you suggesting that umpires should be suspended for mistakes and games be replayed after a mistake is discovered? Or are you saying suspensions for malicious play that wasn’t called as such during the game is wrong? I’m confused at what you’re saying here.

The reason isn't inexplicable, the rule is.

....aaaaaannnnndddddd here come more “Leonard Fournette Should Sit Out the 2016 Season” trolls.