
Safety is all relative, and phone use while driving is a very dangerous activity- some say more dangerous than driving drunk. It is also very preventable, much like drunk driving. They are low hanging fruit on the driving safety tree.

God, how did people even SURVIVE before cell phones? ;)

Just checking. I’d suggest buying a smaller phone, but that’s just me! :)

The spiders are dicks though. I’m having a hard enough time keeping them at bay inside the house!

So how do you carry your phone while walking?

Ugh, that popped up on The Social Media earlier. Gross.

OMG Jason I just did an Oppo post on this! Thanks for the vid! I’ll watch later. :D

I concede that many people use phones for the above functions, but what does “comfort” have to do with anything?

The radio doesn’t need to be looked at for 30 seconds at a time. You glance, touch the knob and turn it. Facebook, however, sucks you in.

How I would love to see a Figoni et Falaschi covered in mud!

Yes! Trials! There’s a deep, dark hole in the YouTubeverse for that sport.

I think once you start displaying the cars in your garage publicly it begins a transition toward private museum. As long as it is your personal storage and work space for automobiles, it will probably be a garage.

Dead spiders? Luxury! Why, in my garage I have LIVE spiders and ants and even crickets!

Let’s see... most of the time everyone else is passing the bicycle at a 20mph speed differential, and you’re worried about him passing others at 5mph? I can see him wait until the motorcyclist in front sees him in the mirror and moves over, then accelerate past.

Amen. This is one of the keys to reducing fuel consumption, as well. Once the governme- excuse me, the cars- choose your speed, there will be a huge opportunity for fuel economy gains.

I didn’t turn!

Drum brakes are perfectly adequate in most situations, and on the rear end especially, since the front brakes do most of the hard work. The main problems are that they overheat quickly, which can lead to brake fade, and they are hard to modulate, which can lead to locking up. If your dad was riding the brakes down the

No one here seems to realize that I know lights are expensive. And yet they put in new, redesigned headlights recently. Okay, so maybe they didn’t have money to cert a new lens. Here are some options off the top of my head.

I’m not saying that Ferrari would share their lights, but one option would be an existing lamp from a car like the 599.

Some people like the comfort of predictability.