They replaced most plastics with CNC’d billet aluminum, and covered the rest in leather. Did you watch the video?
I just re-ran my math out of curiosity, and assuming the car is averaging an impressive 30mph in the city, that means the commute is about 7.5 miles. Okay, so if she were walking 3 mph, would that not work out to about a 2.5 hour walk?
About ten years.
Are buses air conditioned?
It takes a few months to get acclimated. But, you know, even at 5mph with rests they could probably make it within the bus’s time schedule. As you know, proactive maintenance and bike fitting are probably the two biggest barriers to most riders. The rest is just building muscle.
Thanks for this!
I hate wearing nitrile gloves, and hate when they rip open, but MAN is it nice to not have to Gojo my hands before walking into the house to get water/go to the bathroom/eat a snack!
A 15 minute drive in a $13,000 used Kia or a 2.5 hour ride on a bus could also be accomplished on a $500-700 bicycle (including requisite lights & locks) in about 45 minutes.
Yeah, and you could probably catch a ride with the others for the price of some french fries. It’s funny how those things work out! :)
I don’t know, but that does sound like a 1960's Saab thing to do.
Was it blue flavored gatorade?
In the summer of 2013 I had just gotten my first full time job and wanted to replace my horrible, rusty, EG Civic with something fun, RWD and “nice”.
How cool would it be to have utility access hatches on the side like a pickup truck’s service body?
No, they buy it to show off. Ikea is a really, really lame excuse.
I tried it once. It tasted like Budweiser. Ick. I just order something “craft” now, even if it’s just Blue Moon.
Sorry, but I am required to inform you that your automotive preferences are incorrect! It’s hard to come to terms with but after hanging around this thread a bit I’ve realized that my auto preferences are also invalid! Who’da thunk?
I have so many questions. I deleted them and will replace them with one.
Why do you feel other people are unable to determine their own transportation needs?
Just watched it. I’m disappointed they couldn’t make it a longer episode and finish the dang car. Oh, well. One more month...