
Lol, the only “feature” you just mentioned that is in my truck is side mirrors. So far I’ve managed to stay alive.

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Sometimes parking brakes are not up to par, so it’s easier to leave the vehicle in gear. I almost never park in neutral- at the very least, leaving it in gear is a fail-safe.

I had to do that when a Jaguar MkII I was driving wouldn’t start after a car wash. Crank, crank, crank, outside. The only reason for a clutch interlock is to protect a car from people who shouldn’t be operating it.

Coupled with the fact that sitting down in a car is probably one of the worst times to boredom-eat. You can’t even get up to stretch. You’re just stuck there, sitting down. Not burning calories. Especially on road trips.

Easily remedied.

Good enough to eat while riding a bicycle, good enough to eat while driving a car. 250 calories with protein and caffeine will keep you going for a while.

Why do you say small wheels and tires are a safety issue?


Some people want to see everything in the world look like Pleasantville, and seeing a wheel out of place is personally offensive to them. Regardless of how offensive that attitude is to those of us who like to actually work and build things, it’s often the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.

If the body isn’t perfect, I say live with it and paint it a real color. A colorful 15-foot paint job is better than looking like you pulled it out of a swamp... :)

First of all, that’s SATIN black.

Second, satin black on a Focus RS: It’s okay...

There are good purposes, for sure. Race cars with complex graphics, and very specific “artistic” ends come to mind, but wrapping an Oldsmobile in fake carbon fiber is not one of them.

Lol, I totally did not mean to do that. Awesome

You’re welcome to like it

This screams, “cheap!” to me. In my world, the vinyl needs to be removed and the car needs to be painted. End of story. Your Preferences May Vary.

Not sure what you’re reading into. I think it’s normally a very nice looking car, but the flat black makes it look bad.

Honestly, the badging can probably be removed quite easily.

It’s been beaten to death for decades, requires no creativity and does not flatter the styling.

I’m not going to argue with you about most of those, but then most could be fixed quite easily and cheaply. However, I think “Jetfire” can stay, IF you use a better font and/or placement.