
Lol, I’m talking road trips too. The only batteries I have are the one starting my engine and the one keeping my phone on! Anyway, yeah, I could see the power output being an issue with that car/cargo combo.

Sell your communist car and buy a MERICAN one. FREEDOM!

Great writeup! I also wanted to say I enjoyed seeing the Fit while marshaling. There can be a bit too many Subarus, so it’s great to see something different. I hope to see you/it out there again!

Wow, I wouldn’t even know what to do with most of that stuff. I keep a small magnetic LED, safety triangle, reflective vest, candy, a couple tools, etc. in an old Army Medic bag just in case, but that’s about it aside from road trips.

No, I carry it in the bed of my truck (whose 17 gal gas tank is behind the seat). Raph could easily strap one to his roof rack!

Am I the only one who wants to see a video of the flywheel taking off through a wall like the Kool Aid man?

Lol, USB devices. I have a Rand McNally road atlas and my phone goes on airplane mode. ;)

Aw, that sucks. I guess you know how big the tank is now though right? Hehe. :)

Now, I’ve just got to ask. Why didn’t you bring a gallon of spare fuel on your road trip with a new-to-you car? Maybe it’s just that I feel lucky to get 14mpg and a tank over 220 miles, but I now carry extra fuel as a habit. Especially on road trips!

Non sequitur

Why in the world would an autonomobile be programmed to drive slowly in the left lane?

Henceforth called OEM- (Oh Ee Em Minus)

Best thing on Jalopnik yet this week!


Lol, that’s three people worth of snow equipment... Why not four? Because four people’s luggage won’t fit in the Jeep!

I guess, good on them for owning it. That’s a pretty crazy infraction, though.


B5 jokes

Getting the factory service manual that was used at dealers is always a good idea if you plan to keep the car a while too. Instead of relying on vague Haynes instructions and incorrect forum advice, you’ll learn the manufacturer recommended procedures.